What exactly was this?

Last night, I guess I slept uneasy and I had a “dream” of only talking, and barely seeing. I could only see the words spoken to me. It was like a huge group of adults, all talking to me, I asked them if this was a shared dream, and I got no reply. Was this just HH? Or was it a dream :confused: I’m a little confused over here :help:

[color=darkblue]It does sound like HH. Back when I practiced LD more, I have got into a sort of trance state and heard some really clear women’s voices! I would normally presume that this meant I was going mad, but since I had read up on HH and LD I knew what it was and actually found it quite funny and not scary in the slightest. I even found I could control roughly what they said! I am serious- it was quite strange but a cool experience.

It didn’t go into a dream though and I ended up just falling asleep :neutral:. It could also be SP. I’m not so sure myself but it has happened to me a few times where I have been concentrating a lot before falling asleep and sort of half gone into an LD, only everything was black. I could only just make out my dream hands and as I start to concentrate I wake up!

Now when I have LD’s, they are mainly random and occur just before I wake up in the morning. I’m interested in what the black dream signifies. I presume it means I am close to falling asleep and LDing that way. The lack of colour annoys me though!

So that’s all I can think of!

Good luck… [/color]

Hey thanks ^^ Just wasn’t sure on what it really was, would it be considered a NM O_o? But I opened my eyes, moved, then went back to sleep and then the voices again. This stuff only happens to me when I’m ill, but tonight wasn’t the luckiest of nights I would guess.

[color=darkblue]What’s NM O_o?

I get more weird dreams when I’m ill too! Like I said I have had strange lucid experiences but it just doesn’t seem to come together and I usually wake up. If I have an LD now it is usually when I don’t try so hard, or often when I’m ill (suppose there has to be some perks to being ill eh?)

One things for sure- that isn’t a ND. You are probably close to an LD and if that is what you are trying to achieve good luck with it!

Just keep practicing…[/color]

wow not even I know what an NM is…I guess I was tired, maybe I meant a ND? Sorry :peek:

[color=darkblue]Haha! It must be early in Las vegas?

I was tired this morning too. I hate monday’s! But it’s 2.15pm here now so I woke up a bit.

Good luck with the LD, voices thing. I know where you are coming from, but I’m sorry I can’t really tell you what it is.

It is no doubt a combination of the things I said above and probably can’t be clearly defined since everyone experiences these things differently (I presume?)

Keep me up to date on how it goes. :content: [/color]

At first sight, Melissa, what you describe seems to me like some N-REM dreams. You can also have such curious dreams which look more like thought than anything else when you got fever or a cold.

Now infinitycascade is perhaps right. And in a certain way, N-REM dreams and HH are not so different cause in HH, your thoughts are heard like external voices or seen like external images too.

This makes alot of sense, thank you guys for your replies :content:

I just don’t understand why I had this dream, because I hadn’t gone ill last night.

I said you could experience this when you are ill, but it’s not necessary. I remember that some members here were wondering about some lucid dreams which looked more like imagination than like normal dreams.