i was lying down sleeping then i woke up, i opend my eyes for a very quick second and i didnt move. After awhile my whole body started to get numb then it went away then after awhile it came back, but this time my eyes started to move very rapidly. Can anyone tell me what was happing
Sounds like sleep paralysis to me and rapid eye movement (sleep paralysis can occur when entering or exiting the REM stage of sleep). This link has some info on sleep paralysis and there is a lot more info out there if you just search for it:
It wasn’t REM, cos that only happens when you’re in a dream. Your eyes follow how your eyes move in the dream (ie. if you look left in the dream, then you’re eyes move left during REM).
So, I’m thinking you had woke up into SP and then fell back into a dream in which you dreamt your eyes were moving.
Ah but REM doesn’t seem to be only following the dream, it seems that there are also some really random eye movemens involved somehow…
You didn’t move or couldn’t move. I don’t know much about SP but I don’t think you would be able to move.
i could move but it didnt, because i wanted to fall back asleep
Hmmm…I thought you meant you didn’t move as in you couldn’t move by the way you said it…are you absolutely sure you were awake? I still say it is sounds like a type of sleep paralysis based on things I’ve read about it…I found a webpage that mentions someone who had a false awakening with sleep paralysis and they were still in the REM stage. Maybe you thought you were awake but weren’t fully so? Here’s that link by the way:
dreamdoctor.com/better/paral … drem.shtml
It sounds to me like even though you say you could move, you did say your body was numb, so that could also mean that your body was only partially paralyzed at the time. The body is a complex organism for sure, so it’s really hard to say exactly what happened to you.
yes im sure i was awake, and like you said even though i was, i could of be partaily parlayise. but im still not really sure
can anyone eles think what eles could of happend?
Yes you prob were conscious from coming from the 90 min sleep cycle, prob in a transsition between nrem to rem, but because you got a little awake the rem sleep couldnt set in as normal.
So mmm you were in a sort of trance, mix from waking and light sleeping. But you could move so it was a light trance induction.
Another poss is you woke up barely and did a wild without being aware of it, not succeeding into a ld or dreamstage but part of a wild level anyway.