something happened last night that i cant explain very well, as im not sure exactly what happened.
I either induced a normal dream from waking (WID, i suppose) or i was asleep to beggin with.
I was sleeping in a caravan with other people in it aswell
so it felt like i woke up and to get back to sleep i started to imagine this naked girl (i dont normally do this, it just occured to me). so i imagine every part of her slowly in my mind, focusing on every body part, slowly going upwards along the legs etc. eventualy i start imagining that im next to her, stroking her from the legs etc .
Then i notice that I am moving about a hell of a lot in my Bed so I sit up and the check that I havnt woken up the others.
looking back i know that at this point i was dreaming, because the caravan was different is certain ways, (it’ll take too long to go into how and why, but it was to do with an earlier dream that night.) However, then i didnt think that i was dreaming
My question is: At what point was i dreaming, or was i never awake to begin with? and, if i was awake at some point, how could i have WILDed from it?
The biggest problem with your question is that you are the only person that was there, so you are the only one who would know when/if you were dreaming.
That said, it sounds like you woke up, then fell back asleep thinking about this girl, then had a FA.
Going by how you worded it I would be tempted to say the whole thing was part of 1 or even 2 dreams.
Like Don said, only you can know for sure although if you are in a caravan, perhaps someone else was awake and can tell you if you woke briefly.
But it sounds like you had an FA hence why you did something you being noisy or the dream ended and you had a second FA that was just connected to the first dream.