What is it like to be lucid???

I mean do you just think stuff and you see yourself do it

or is it like you in your body and you walking around controlling everything…idk explain it for me please

It can be either depending on what you want. I’ve had both points of view but the most common one is the second version. So it’s basically like real life in point of view.

Not as different from not being lucid as you might think, in most cases. Though when I actually manage to perform a WILD (practically never), the dream tends to be more bright and vivid.

Lucid dreaming is just like real life (for me at least). By that I mean pretend like you are lucid right now. Everything you feel, hear, see, and smell is the exact same way that it would be like in a lucid dream. The only difference is in the dreamworld there are no laws of anything. Instead of being stuck on the ground because of gravity, you get to float up in the sky. Instead of having to obey the rules, you can go steal a car and run over people.

That’s sort of the best I can give you… Lucid dreaming is real hard to explain feeling wise. You just have to experience it. And once you do…you will then realize just how awesome it is, and how much it was worth practicing for.

Being lucid for me has been the same as being awake and alert. I had a real low level LD and it felt less realistic. I guess it just depends on your DR.

The more lucid I am the more vivid the dream is. (I guess that goes for real life as well.) It feels like I am really there just like now only. Usually i feel that i am sort of light inside, might be lightheartedness. but i can feel everthing. Except i noticed i don’t feel itchy or like my clothes are sitting uncomfortably as they often do IRL. Sometimes though if I have a sort of dull dream before I become lucid I need to do something to kickstart the senses like spinning.

One thing that i found so amazing about lucid dreaming and about dreaming in general is the perspective. Thats what i always study when i first go lucid. I find it so amazing how our minds can comprehend the three dimensions so well. Its simply amazing how realistic. I know thats not the sort of thing one focuses on in dreams thats why when going lucid i noticed it. Its truly an amazing thing.

To me its a different “atmosphere” in a dream. Hard to explain but I usually feel calm and at ease. Not tired, full of confidence and free of every burden life carries.