What is that?

I already ask this question, but I don’t think anyone answered and my topic was lost.

What is this dream yoga and trance induction?


i think its some terminology for LDs in a yoga way or something…

not sure

ahhh… thank you monkee. :slight_smile:

anytime! :cool:

Dream yoga is used in Tibetan Buddhism. It is a way to induce LDs by the use of various techniques such as visualizations of the chakras and different kind of Tibetan syllables. There are also lots of exercises you can do during the day. If you want to follow the rules, you need to wake up every 2 hours to do some of these exercises :bored:
The real purpose of dream yoga isn’t LDing but it goes beyond that. LDing is only a side-effect of their practices. Ultimately they want to stop dreaming, to stop the illusions, in order to stay in rigpa, the clear light of the Eternal Now. Dream yogis say it’s difficult to describe this state if you haven’t experienced it, but even then it’s hard to find the correct words.
If you succeed in doing this, you can go on with sleep yoga. This has the same purpose as dream yoga but now you must learn to stay in rigpa consciously during sleep, even deep sleep. This makes sleep yoga a lot more difficult than dream yoga.
The ultimate goal of dream/sleep yoga is to stay conscious at the moment of death and to recognize the following illusions as they are… illusions. If you can do this, you’ll be able to enter nirvana or re-enter the womb consciously, for another cycle.

Trance induction is a way to get into a trance :tongue: If you’re in a trance, your body is asleep while your mind is awake and focused. You can reach this state by doing breathing exercises or visualizations. Trance is very important if for instance you want to induce OBEs consciously or if you’re doing energy/chakra exercises because trance causes you to have more influence on your energy body.
Don’t mistake trance for meditation because they are two different things. In meditation you let your mind go and just try to BE, while in trance you keep your mind consciously focused on your goal, namely to let your body fall asleep.
I hope I got all that right :wink:

thank you mystic. So so smart huh?
so is trance basically WILD?

I don’t know exactly how trance and WILD are connected, but I think you can use trance to stay conscious while falling asleep, and so you can perhaps slip into a LD through WILD? Others can better answer this question :wink: