I know this topic has been hashed on this site over and over somewhere but I can’t locate it. Can anyone please tell me the difference between Astral Projecting and Lucid Dreaming?
P.S. I feel I should add that I experienced both and here is my analysis. When I LD’d, I was sort of in a different world. Maybe the dream world. When I AP’d, it happened right here in the real world but I had better control of things and events when I AP’d. But aren’t they both really just dreams? I would love to hear rebuttals and experiences from the wise ones on this site who really know. Thanks.
Ask different people you will get a different answer.
Some people would say they are the same thing, some people say AP & OBE are the same some say they are different. Here’s my personal oppinion.
LD - A dream where the Dreamer is aware and can control the dream to varying degrees.
AP - Projecting the conscious mind out of the body and being able to travel generally done from waking. - many say it is just an LD using WILD.
However a friend of mine who does it alot can go places and give perfect detail (like my room and tell me wat im doing etc) which to me proves it is no dream LD or other wise
OBE - similar to an AP only done via sleep possibly a fake LD