It’s hard to explain. You know how if you don’t move a foot for a little while, it starts to feel all ticklish and if you refuse to move that foot it will get even more ticklish and tingly until you can’t stand it anymore and you gotta move it. This can happen with other bodyparts too. When you are trying to fall asleep, it’s annoying! Or maybe I was dreaming my foot was tingly because I usually never get that feeling when trying to fall asleep, but right before an LD, this started hapenning and so I had a hard time letting myself get to dreamworld.
I think I read somewhere on here that it’s the mind’s way of checking that the body is asleep. :0
it doesn’t add up to the fact that you get the feeling while moving other body parts and so your mind would know if your body is asleep or not, unless it’s checking on specific areas of the body, which is useless. How is it even useful for the mind to know if the body is asleep or not? How does this add up when talking about Lucid Dreaming?
oh well, another crappy thread created by me.
ill try harder next time, promise.
Like all those annoying sensations while WILD’ing, I’m afraid that there is nothing to do but focusing on your practise (counting for instance) and waiting it disappears.
actually i was doing a WBTB. I think feeling really tired at 9 in the morning makes it easy to LD.
So go to sleep at 3am in the morning, wake up at 7am, stay up till 9am, go to sleep because you’ll be feeling darn tired. then you’ll get all these floaty heavy feelings…
and then that’s when i got my tingly feeling. BUT THEN! I entered a dream and I became lucid during an epic battle between powerful beings. Just imagine a scene on a mountain plateu (flat top) with spells being cast everywhere and people with flashy outfits and armor and large axes and all of that. good vs evil.
Later on in the battle I casted earthquake on the battlefield and mostly everyone died, only me and one good guy survived. everyone else that was still alive during the time of the casting fell into the cracks. The last bad guy had to be pushed into a crack. He was badly hurt but still extremely dangerous. I only had a split second to push him while he was recovering! He was one of the most powerful beings ever. So then me and the good guy took a deep breath of releif. but most of his friends died already. but then the dream switched and I wans’t as powerful.
so I got frustrated and I said “CAN SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO CAST SPELLS!?!??” so this woman came up to me and said she could teach me. She told me to try something simple like making a paper airplane fly. So I did. I folded a piece of paper very carefully and I chanted this intricate and beautiful chant and it was cool. The woman cried because I chanted so well. I thought that was really weird
So then I wanted to fly on a broom. I tried to make a broom appear but it didn’t work. But I saw a little broom that was too small to fit on, but I put it under me like I was going to fly with it and then the broom grew to my size and then i flew off and that was fun for a little while, then i woke up.
Very great LD Argitoth! I was about to say to you that when you have the tingling feeling, you’re certainly close to a LD but you discovered it by yourself!
I think I get this too… but is it really a tingly feeling? To me it’s more of a… like… nerves are just activated, not really tingling. Maybe I’ll try WILDing when I’m more tired…
Thank you. It wasn’t so great though because it wasn’t really full lucidity and the main reason is because I never write down my dreams and so the dream is blurry in my mind. I am going to start writing ASAP though.