Ive took Melatonen before, and I usualy have vivid dreams the first night, but Im taken 6 mg a night, and let me tell you both nights Ive had LDs all night, and they would last a long time. I mean Ive never had lds like this. It is very easy for me to become lucid. Maybie its just because Ive practiced LDing for so long, and the Melatonen just makes it that much more easier. I cant begin to describe these dreams there amazing even the normal dreams are cool. I just hope that its more me becoming lucid then the melatonen making me lucid.
Well, you should check on the container to find out what kind of melatonin it is.
Its Rexall, I do recomend it over anyother melatonin Ive taken. Were you being sarcastic? LOL
As far as i know all melatonin is chemicly the same.
but most melatonin supplements add other stuff such as b6 ect. so perhaps theve added something you respond with well.