What language should I use?

I have this rather funny question. When I am doing auto suggestion or talking to my SC, should I talk in my native language or in English? I personally use English because it seems easier to say it in my mind than the Romanian version.

Whatever language is easiest for you. Whatever language will help your lucidity levels and stability :smile: Things like this are always down to personal preference

You can use whatever language you want, it’s only important thing is that your brains knows what the hell you are talking about.

I use English rather than Croatian, even tho I don’t think it’s grammatically correct :tongue:

Anyway, it doesn’t really matter.

Guess the language you think in (if you think in words) should do, or in general the language you’re most confident in: one thing i can say for sure, however: your SC is surely capable if understanding you even if you didn’t speak at all, and the language to choose will be the last thing on oyur mind when you meet him in person, i’m sure :tongue:

During MILD i use swedish but during the day i can get random thoughts about LD’s in english like when doing RC.

I also use english instead of portuguese. I thought I was the only one :tongue: Since everything about lucidity I read on the internet is in english that’s my lucidity language :wink: Works fine.

Same here. I use English for autosuggestion and MILD etc. I could use my native language (Dutch) if I wanted to, but in my opinion it doesn’t flow as well as English does, so I stick to that instead. As I speak some Swedish as well, I could use that, but I doubt it would really register in my mind, since I’m still learning that language. :razz:

Just use what works best for you.

My native language is russian, but since I talk with all my friends in english and talk english 8 hours a day, it has become my primary language. My opinion is use the language you think in. You know those thoughts running around in your head
“I think I have english next” or “what am I going to do”. Yeah. The language you speak in.

Thanks for the replies! English from now on :grin: .

Well English being my Native tongue I use it, but if I was going to use my mother’s tongue ( Twi) I don’t think certain words would have a translation like lucid , sub conscience and it wouldn’t flow a well.

I guess English would work better in case you, like most of us here, reads things related to dreams in English.

Although my dream content is mostly in Portuguese (sometimes mixing English, Japanese and Spanish), I suppose my brain would react faster to words like “lucid dream”, rather than “sonho lúcido”.