What makes you RC?

Post here the things IRL that prompt you to do a RC (you can also use this topic to announce you just did a RC because… [something] happened)

  • The local icecream car has the themesong:“Mr Sandman, bring me a dream”. Everytime I hear that I RC. (It just passed :tongue: )

I RC when I see someones sig here say “do a RC!” :tongue:

And when something seems weird I do a RC.

90% of the time it’s because I’m :fly: I fly alot in my dreams always have even before I ever had a LD, actually that is what I was doing the first time I LDed, then I looked at my hands.

I reality check every time something odd happens, or every time there’s a difference (even in music) that I didn’t notice.

Randomly, like I would just be walking about and I remember to wonder, “Am I dreaming right now?” usually when I see the most recent dream sign (it’s stopped being bodies of water and theaters and become power lines) and remember it’s a dream sign…

Just randomly. I dunno-- it’s like losing The Game. :tongue:

First off I do it everytime I think of it, tends to be alot. The reminders include, light switches, walking through doors, changing activities. I think a great reality check is whenever you find yourself doing something you dont want to. Could be anything. I fnd that helpful because as soon as your scene changes and lucidity is lost you can often gain it back through checking again at every plot turn. My hands often swurl and glow in my dreams. But sometimes that isnt enough to breakthrough. I will often check my hands see something wrong, extra pinkie mostly… and it just not click. Dunno. I love RC during waking life. I feel a distinct sense of detatchment from ym surroundings, as if I zoomed in on the moment… lovely. Peace.

I went to do shopping in my usual grocery store. But it wasn’t there anymore :rc:
It was empty, and a demolishing company was working on it. It was so surreal. I did a few RC’s… and then went to find another store to do my shopping :tongue:

Whenever someone mentions RC in the chatroom.

I had an incredibly similar experience earlier today, I got the train this morning to a town that I used to work in, I haven’t been there for a couple of weeks and as I walked to exit the station I suddenly realised that everything had changed, where there used to be a wall with some cash machines in it there was now a bakery and just along from that was a newsagent. I’ve had a lot of dreams about train stations before, and since last night I was drinking Pennywort and Rosemary tea I thought it best to do a reality check. So I did a double take on the station clock.

My mom rearranged the living room to her place, I walked in and I did an RC.

I don’t RC much. Yesterday I did two, one was because of something on TV, the other was because of the fact I was flying around in my game and nothing was there.

Weirdly enough I wondered if I was dreaming in the middle of the day, so I RC’ed. It was reality. :tongue:

When i do RC:

  • Everytime when i wake up.
  • Allways before going to bathroom.
  • If i watch a clock.
  • When LucidWeaver tells me
  • When im listening my mp3-player and track changes

sry bad english :smiley:

I’ve got a set playlist that repeats when I’m sleeping, so I’m trying to teach myself to RC every time this song or this one come on.

Wait, am I allowed to link to youtube? I’ve been away too long.

EDIT, ooooh. 500.

Just now! when I saw Burning had plain yellow stars :eek:

and also yesterday… when I went behind the till I noticed there was a big space where the loose change charity tin was supposed to be :eh:

so anytime something slightly odd happens … when I remember to do it :tongue:

Haha, I was eating candy, more specifically Fuzzy Peaches, and when I looked at my hand, there was a sour patch kid… I did an RC immediately.

(In case you didn’t know, they are a type of candy in North America…)

Well, what can I say? :razz:

I RC everytime something odd happens when Im out on town :razz:

I also tend to RC every time when Im on a public toilet :tongue:

I also RC when specific trams arrive…

I RC when I remember to and when something seems odd. Today I just had to do an RC in my English-class; in a book I found a white ghost, very alike the one Ghostie uses as avatar. I didn’t expect that :tongue:
And we had P.E today, and when I entered the gymnasium (It’s called that, isn’t it?) I saw a bag where it said RC. Now THAT was unexpected! :wink:

Yesterday morning my bathroom door was locked while I was home alone O_o

I RC when I’m around my friends a lot, due to the fact they aren’t normal…

It can be so small, simple things. A couple of days ago, i came home from work and instantly realised that something was wrong with the view of my living room. It turned out that my fiancee had used my usual chair in front of the computer, and…turned it in the opposite direction of what i do. I did a RC.

And there are bigger things, like famous football managers ordering big flower bouquets from me for football players in my town.

I found a great reality check is to take a second look at your present company. I have had some encounter with characters in dreamland. Wandering through my waking life day-to-day I now take a moment to examine who I am currently with, even if just myself.

… also RC during a scene change. Like walking into a new building or going outside.