What Method is most Satisfying?

easiest way to lucid dream… havent tried it before this is my first night trying here… wich of these have u guys found most satisfying?

  1. Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream
  2. Wake Induced Lucid Dream
  3. Regular Lucid Dream Trial

the sooner you would post the better. thanks for the input.

It comes down to personal choice.

MILD is more foolproof.
WILD is harder for newer people, and especially harder at night.
I dont know what you’re third one is.

I find that a combination of MILD/WILD/WBTB works the best.

I find MILD easier at beginning of night and WILD easier toward end. As for satisfaction I would day I WILD because in WILD I enter dream fully lucid whereas with MILD I have to crank up my lucidity.

thanks man. you two are helpfull.

Yeah…what is Regular Lucid Dream Trial?

no idea lol it was the definition of lucidity, sorry i am ignorant still i havent tried LD yet so sorry for that inconveniance.

WBTB is too annoying. I don’t have enough motivation to wake myself up, stay awake… And then go back to sleep. Screw that. xD

I just indulge myself as much as possible in the subject before I go to bed but at the same time cramming can make it even harder to Lucid Dream.

It might be annoying but I can honestly claim Ive had my best WILDs and DILDS with WBTB. Your chances are so high of success its incredible, worth the effort.

Oh yeah, I don’t doubt it at all that WBTB has a high success rate, I’m just a lazy bastard is all. xD

I find WILD more foolproof, personally. There is always the possibility of signs in your dream screaming that you are dreaming and the like, and you might even be thinking about it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you will lucid dream. Or at least, that’s from personal experience. (I can’t count the number of times that I am telling myself in a dream that I will become lucid and… don’t.)

Point: A successful WILD has a higher probability for some people to get them lucid than a successful MILD.

MatrixMan, you said that a succesful WILD has a higher probablilty of getting people lucid. Wouldn’t a succesful WILD have 100% lucidity rate because you are entering the dream state in regular consciousness?

Yeah. That’s what I meant; I suppose I was a little tired while I was explaining it…

Right you are, WILD is 100% lucidity upon entering a dream. But as for a first timer, I wouldnt suggest WILD while going to sleep at night as the best course of action for trying to LD.

From personal experience I don’t believe it to be the most user friendly technique for beginners. Kinda like taking someone that doesnt know how to swim and throwing them in the deep end of the pool.

The most satisfying method is the one that gives you the most LD’s. For some people that is WILD, but most people get more LD’s from other methods like MILD, VILD etc.

On average, DILD methods are easier to learn than WILD methods and they give more LD’s.

And I prove it. :tongue:
Have you learnt DILD easily?
Have you learnt WILD easily?

How many WILD’s? How many DILD’s?
10 dreamers 100 LD’s a review

In additon, WILD at the beginning of the night tends to fail because of the sleep cycle. At the beginning it takes about 90 minutes to enter REM, 30 of which are Delta Sleep and almost no dream content is reported from delta.