what really is WILD?

some people say that WILd is where you focus on one object for a long enough time, until you reach the dreamworld, but i;ve heard other people say that its where you wait for a dream to come and then try to realize your dreaming, like holding a rock until you enter the dreamworld, which one is it?

[color=darkblue]It could be both of them. It is basically falling to sleep with the intention of having an LD. You repeat phrases to yourself such as “Tonight I will become lucid” or “I will realise I am dreaming”.

You picture a scene in your head that you that you would like to dream about and as you start to fall asleep concentrate, just enough so that your recognise the various signs at each stage.

You should recognise the HH stage and as you move into REM sleep should have maintained unbroken self awareness from the waking state.[/color]

WILD is keeping your mind awake, while letting your body fall asleep. That lets you go from the wake state to a dream, which because your mind is awake the whole time is an LD. (That is the theory anyway)
How you keep your mind awake enough, while letting your body get relaxed enough to fall asleep is what you are talking about. There are lots of ways to do that, because different people have to have different levels of awake mind, and relaxed body to get this to work. counting, listening to music, listening to sounds, (ie. a fan), holding something in your hand etc. are all just different ways of trying to get the right levels of awake and relaxed. Some people can just concentrate on HH. That is why WILD is so confusing, and difficult. You may be able to do WILD, but never find a way to get the right levels of awake and relaxed so that it works for you, so you never have success with it. It can work on the first night, or it can take months befor you find a way that works. Lots of people give up befor they find the way that works for them. There is also no guaranty that it will work for you.

whats the easiest way to LD?

WILD is supposed to be hardest, so if you want a challenge do WILD. I do MILD, which is the easiest, i try to do WBTB when i wake up in the middle of the night (which happens almost everynight).

In average, DILD’s methods are the easiest to learn and people have more DILD’s than WILD’s. Now you’re perhaps very gifted in WILD’ing without knowing it, so you can have a little try.

I have only done WILD a couple of times, i did it in the morning when my body was still very tired and wanting to go back to sleep. I basically just kept talking to myself in my mind trying to hold onto conscious thought while my body falls asleep. It was a very interesting experience and I look forward to trying it again sometime. I have heard people say they had HH, vibrations & sounds but I didn’t get any of that :wink:

DILDs are easiest, a couple of days ago I set my alarm with the intention of waking up early to try and WILD, but I woke up like 2 hours earlier after I had a spontanious ld. DILDs don’t mess with your sleep cycle at all too, which is good. They just aren’t reliable like WILDS would be, if I could do them >_<