What the heck was this? They all failed!

I feel bad about hogging up room on the forums but this is driving me nuts! Last night I had a dream where my sister and I, (she’s 13 and I’m 15,) were driving a car and we were being chased by the cops for nicking another car so my sister pulled over and we got out so I was running and ended up falling off of a cliff and while I was falling I realized, “Wait, I can’t drive, Lis sure as heck can’t drive, and I would never be stupid enough to run off a cliff.” So I got to the bottom and as soon as I did I changed the setting so it was daytime and the cops were gone, then I sat down and was calmly going through a list of stuff to do, (mostly stuff I read on this site,) and I finally decided upon upon going to Titans Tower, (this show I’m obsessed with, :grin: ) because I wanted to do it forever and never got a chance too, (everything was very real, as real as anything in real life is, it felt more real then most of my dreams do,) So then I spun around to telleport myself there and I started to see Titans Tower but I also heard the voices of my family, that’s happened to me before and it means I’m waking up. I tried to hold onto it but I “Woke up” (it was the first false awakening I ever had,) My sister woke my up, (it was like 2 in the morning,) and my dad wanted me to make him a sandwich, (he actually does this sometimes, grrr) I decided to do some reality checks because I just had a feeling it was a dream even though everything was normal, I checked my hands and they were a little blurry but I also had a dream “sleepy” I don’t know what you all call them, in my eye and I got it out and could see my hands clearly and there was nothing wrong with them so I tried to put my hand though my other hand and it didn’t work. I still wasn’t convinced so I picked up a book and did a check with that and it was fine, then I tried the light-switch thing and the switch worked, (I tried a whole bunch of them and they all worked except for one that doesn’t work in real life either, laughs :lol: Then my dad yelled, “What’s taking you so long?” I brought the sandwich out to him and decided to try one last thing, I was going to try to blast a fireball at the couch so I raised up my hand to do it and my dad said, “What the heck are you doing?” and I said “nothing,” and went back to bed after fitfully tossing and turning and had another dream that’s irrelivant right now. When I woke up “again” in the morning I asked my sister if she woke me up to get dad a sandwich last night and she said she had no idea what I was talking about, nobody else did either, all of those reality checks failed! :wallhit: :angry: :ack: :crying: Why did this happen? :sigh:

Maybe it was because you subconsciously expected them to show that it was reality, not a dream.

Maybe they were sleep walking and forgot that they woke you up? I mean of all of those reality checks one of them should have tipped you off. Or you excepted to fail so your mind just did what you wanted, like Fizyk said.
I know what you mean though. I’ve dreamt a few times I’m looking in a mirror, except i dont look distorted or anything so when I wake up I get all mad because the reality check worked too well!

Hmmm…maybe, but I don’t think they were sleepwalking, laughs thanks though, I fully expected the last one to work but I didn’t get to finish it because my “dad” yelled at me, I was all excited when I saw that my hands were blurry but then terribly dissapointed when I got the sleepy out of my eye and it was clear. False awakenings suck! I never had one before but now I know why everyone complains about them all the time… :dark: