What was that

Hi, I have been trying to have LDs for three weeks with no result but this night happened something strange:

I was dreaming that I was in my classroom at school and suddendly I realized that I was dreaming(without doing any RCs). After that I started doing some RCs but none worked so I thought that I was in reality and continued with a Normal Dream.

Why my RCs didn’t work?

Hello Ekray welcome to the forum

It depends on what RC you do and also on how much you actually believe a RC will work. For example my most used RC is pushing my hand through solid objects, and mostly it works (probably because i already know it is a dream, so i believe it will work), but sometimes it doesnt (when im low lucid). Perhaps you should try a few different RC’s to be sure. For example it seems that watching some text and then after a short time reading it again works most of the time since it will almost always change (a bit). I never use that as a RC but others have had succes with it.

Good luck with lucid dreaming :smile:

Sometimes RC’s simply don’t work, even when you’re lucid. Over time, you’ll find out which ones work best for you.

My advice: Pick the three that most apeal to you at the moment and keep going with them. If one (or more of them) fails you alot, replace it with a new one. Keep with this until you have your three (or more if you want) RC’s.

Oh: and congrats on your first LD (even if it wasn’t all that good :wink:). You should start finding it easier now :grin:.

Thanks for the replies, I will try again tonight :happy:

As for the RCs I did, I tried to push my hand through a wall(I do this one almost everywhere) and tried to breath with fingers in my nose.