Whats the hold up...

It seems to me that LDing would become popular sometime or another. Ive noticed on allmost all the LD sights Ive been to they allway say… 'EVERYONE" dreams, so therefore everyone can learn the skill of LDing. I mean if you can take a FREE vacation anytime you want, anywhere you want, or fly to Mars, exstend time. It seems sooner or latter this would be talked about more. LDing isnt new, but the awarness of it is. I mean dreams hold the answers to our problems, and it has allways been there. So how come line dancing can become popular, and people take the time to learn it. Why not LDing.
I would love to turn on the TV one day, and instead of seeing a damn Paxil comercial, or anyother fu**ing drug that cures your ills you, and gives you a false sence of self. I would love to see something about Lucid dreaming to help you. Do you think Lding will become bigger and more known in the near future, how could we all help. Even if it was just a fad like Tibo, or line dancing. I think people would really want to learn it, and use it for the rest of there lives. Dreaming may start to evolve. Screw a damn video game!!! Society is so fake today. Wake up people something is going on, and we need to prepare ourselves, and our souls. This is the milliniom, were not in Kansas anyomore

exactly…but because of everybody’s close mindedness…they don’t choose to believe it. The think its either impossible, waste of time, stupid, retarded, anything of that matter. Lots of people don’t even care about their dreams. So if they don’t care, then they wont even look into something like this. It doesn’t matter if everybody else doesn’t like it. It matters if you like it. Because if you like it, that gives you a power…something special that you can enjoy while others can’t. Who cares if your neighbor doesn’t do it. It’s his loss.

Your right, that is so wise.

bendrummin is right
if you enjoy LDing than it shouldent matter if other people waste their time in front of a TV screen or not.

I think the biggest factor is that people are lazy. Having to deal with dream journals and performinging RCs and everything else that comes with learning to LD can be kind of discouraging to someone who is only mildly interested. And also, it’s hard to relate such a wonderful experience in words to someone who doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Try telling someone what it’s like to fly in an LD - it’s hard. Mostly though, people are just lazy. :neutral:

You would think many people would WANT to LD. Once they learn about it they could enjoy it! According to most people you “Waste” over 40 years of your life sleeping. Well whenever I hear that I say somthing along the lines of “well I sure dont waste it in the dreamscape” and the thing that gets me is they LAUGH augh.

The biggest thing though I see with people is the “I dont believe it” factor. I explain to a person what a LD is and why it is so great. it is hard to explain like sage said. But you can get the basic concepts across (you are concious while dreaming, you can control your dream)

I think that people tend to just stereotype it out. Like if you talk about things such as telekenisis then you are one of “those” people. But no one wants to be one of “those” people. They want to be accepted by their family and friends in what is normal. But the thing people dont see is LDing is perfectly normal. it is simply dreaming with control! I believe that if Lucid Dreaming was on TV people would really become interested in it. Or if a hip hop gangsta foo on MTV announced the word “lucid dreaming” people would say it and wounder why they are saying it so they would go to the internet and find out.

I kinda hope LDing does not get THAT popular. because when there is popularity there is definatly going to be a point where the popularity dies. and if you still do it your not “in” and that would discourage people greatly from LDing because people want to be “in” that is unless they actually do experiance a high level lucid dream. then they might relieze that it is not JUST a fad. it is more.

This is all theoredical though. and my beliefs. I hope it made sense…

To be honest a lot of the people I have told about LDing aren’t especially closed-minded. I think most people don’t practice LD because they haven’t heard of LD, and when they do hear about it a lot of people have trouble finding the time and energy. I don’t think you can be too critical of people for being ‘lazy’, when lots of them will have worked a 9 to 5 shift and are too tired to do anything other than sleep.

I think you will find that a lot (but obviously not all) of the people on this forum are either young enough to have lots of free time (like me: student=lots of free time), or have other reasons for having unusual amounts of free time. I’ll probably get shed loads of people telling me this is bollocks now, but i’m not saying having a tight sleeping schedule or a job rules out LD, just that it can make it an extra effort that other people in other circumstances can take on more easily. Hence don’t be too quick to criticise, and if you do remember why it is that our society is so enthralled with a work/spend lifestyle that often limits people’s spiritual explorations: capitalism.

people are stupid, lazy, and ignorant.

i may not be an exception, either…

you should see I <3 Huckabees, it’s about 5 times suckier than people make it out to be (they say it’s AMAZING) but it’s a pretty good film though, about existential detectives, they take a person, break down their view of reality, teach him sensory deprivation, etc…

I wish this stuff was REAL, I wish there were real PROFESSIONALS that helped you harness spiritual skills, lucid dreaming, sensory deprivation, whatever, but used it as a therapy and a REAL WORLD APPLICATION to solve problems and open minds.

Stuff like hypnotherapy, but much more… “far out” … and good old Timothy Leary, I wish they would let you use LSD as a psychological tool to help people… if used in a proper setting it can be very beneficial to people with certain kinds of problems…

From a conflict perspective this will never happen, if people start waking up, tuning into other worlds, doing the drugs again, bringing back the 60s, questioning reality, questioning authority… it would… destroy the world… bring all governments to a halt.

I doubt it will ever get mainstreamed, and if it does it will be overcommercialized, like a LD helmet that gives you instant LDs with no work involved…

I think that was the problem with the hippie generation, there heart was in the right place talking of peace,and love. but alot of the beleifs were fed by drugs. There was rarley a sober moment in the sixties, and when the Pop fad was over there was nothing, but reality to go back to. Hippies were easily brain washed by such people as Charles Manson. If only the hippies could have been sober, and build on there high instead of just being high all the time, and living in a fantasy world… they may have changed the world. If they would have just said “No”, and heard about LD, which is direct contact with the spirit world they could have maybie changed the world. It would of just taken a little work. I like Timothy Leary, and I respect his views. He is the one who said. “Build on your high, because you cant stay high all the time”. He beleaved you should use drugs as a tool, not as an escape from reality.

I’d have given up trying to LD after three days (or less), had it not been for a low lucidity LD I had had years ago.

Lots of people just have to have experinced to know just how cool it is.

yeah…most people I talk to on here say the only reason why they practice to get LDs…is from actually having one before they knew about it. I’m the same exact way. After I had an LD without knowing what it was, I thought it was soooo cool. I then raided the internet and went to various sites, various forums, and figured out it isn’t called controlling dreams, but lucid dreams rather. And then, I found the forum :smile: And ever since then, I’ve had over 30 LDs.

Lol, I always thought that LSD is just that – an invention for people wanting to get everything for nothing.
Sorry, just my “healthy” education :shy:

to tell the truth i dont want lucid dreaming to kick off big,
if it does, everyone will be doing it [or trying] and it wont be special anymore, part of the reason i like lucid dreaming is that its a unique expirience,
plus even now, alot of people cant lucid dream, they have low leveled ones and think they are all thats to lucid dreams and give up because low levels suck, and then give a bad name to it afterwards, saying its not realistic etc.

anyways back to getting it famous, i dont think its worth it, it will become a fad and die out within a few months, then anyone found to do it would be called a looser or whatever, and it would be worse than it is now.
i have tried to tell people, though the people i told respected my interests, they were still very very closed-minded and just rejected that its possible.

I don’t like to call people closed-minded, it’s just that in the past people were somewhat gullible and many things they believed in turned out to be untrue and now as a defensive attitude… they don’t just believe anything anyone tells them… they want proof… and many of them will believe if you give them proof or evidence… the closed-minded people are those who refuse to believe even when there’s an undisputable proof at hand…

From my experience, the people i’ve told about lucid dreaming, with the exception of two or three who are now active LDers, reacted much like the scientific community did when Van Eeden first talked about LDs : “So what?” So I think that most people here are either incredibly curious or have had at least one lucid dream in their lifetime. Personally, I’m very prepared to teach anyone who is interested, and I have done so, but I don’t want lucid dreaming to be like one of those trends that in one night takes over the world, only to fade away after while and everyone who holds it in high regards, and keeps it after it fades, will have to face the cruelty of society and of the “popular” people.

Maybe it’s just as well that only a few open-minded people are interested in lucid dreaming. I shiver at the thought of lucid dreaming becoming a mainstream form of entertainment, like films. What angers me, though, is how most people react to lucid dreaming when they first hear about it. A sceptical, cautious point of view is understandable and natural. On the other hand, saying “Who cares?” to the opporunity to have absolute, unrestricted freedom in a world of your own shows exactly what is wrong with humanity these days: No one is interested in life any more, not even their own.

But people ARE closed-minded. There is perfectly believable truth at hand. But to others, Lucid Dreaming is like phsychics. I probably wouldn’t believe in phsychics if my grandmother wasn’t one. Why? Because most people don’t believe in something unless they expierience it. And those open-minded enough need to KNOW someone who did it.

My friends really didn’t care when I told them. They just brushed it off and we continued talking. They make fun of meditation, too. Because they haven’t expierienced the joy of LDs. They remember their dreams, because I’m told about them every morning.

If Lucid Dreaming does indeed become one of those “fads”, it will be like the Disco “fad” in the 70s and early 80s. It’ll laste a couple of years, and then it will be gone. And the survivors (us, basically) will be described as:
Living in the Past
and other things like that. Do you guys want to be called that? I sure don’t.

Although, I must say, I like video games, and I’d rather they not be screwed :razz: