, i had my 2nd lucid dream last nite, low level or whatever, i havent been trying, keeping a journal or whatever for personal reasons, but last night i got a dream where i was controlling stuff and i was having fun making things float , i realised that its not possible in real life and then looked at my hand to do an RC , dor sum reason i automatically closed my eyes in the dream and then woke up , i wanted to continue my dream but this is the 2nd time this has happened where i do an RC in a dream but automatically close my eyes and wake up
You don’t have to wake up just because you close your eyes. Remember that!
I had a similar dream. making things float. But the reason I though I was dreaming was because a piece of lint flew in the air in a peculiar way. I always thought that was funny. I also woke up very shortly after establishing i was dreaming.
the problem is that i cant control it, like the thing is i know im dreaming, i felt the cool breeze on my face in the dream , i heard the birds chirping ( i was in a forest ) , but i automatically looked at my hand which had 7 fingers so i naturally freaked out and closed my eyes , which i had NO control over for sum reason , and then i woke up , and this has happened to me in both lucid dreams i have had.
Maybe the freaking out from the 7 fingers thing wakes you up. When you do an RC IRL, you should be ready for something weird to happen, expect it to happen even. If you get into this mindset then when something weird actually does happen, you won’t freak out and instead you’ll realise it’s a dream and become lucid.
You’re probably closing your eyes from shock, like the person above me said, expect it to happen. Then you will hopefully won’t be freaked out and close your eyes.
About not controlling it. Maybe it’s just the imagery disappearing and the way the dream knows to make it happen is that eyes close. So it’ll feel natural. It’s a possibility.
Nevertheless. The less you associate closing your eyes with waking up the better. Best not to think about it at all. Otherwise you will like I have wondered if I should keep my eyes open during enitre lucid dreams, I think it’ll just produce the feeling that you want to close you eyes.
This the same kind of thing happened to me last night. I was dreaming, although I think I was already semi-conscious, so I tried breathing through my hand. When I could I was like WTFWTFWTF, that so can’t be happening. Luckily I managed to calm myself and stay asleep though.
I think it’s just happening as it usually doesn’t and you are un-used to it. Once you’ve done it a few times, I doubt it’ll happen. At least, I don’t intend to be shocked next time I can breath through my hands
I’ve also closed my eyes once while trying to float, and woke up instantly. I s’pose you’ve just got to learn not to do it.
zilon. It sounds easy not to close your eyes in a dream, because there is no real need to since there are no eyes. It’s probably doable to learn never to close your dream eyes, but it’s really avoiding the problem. You can close your eyes and keep right on dreaming, I myself had confirmation on that today. But I thought I’d try not to close my eyes as i ran through some twigs in head height. I thought i’d let them scrape my dream eyes. But my insticts took over, i coudn’t. I didn’t close them but i turned my head. The point is. Even thoguh it’s probably doable to get around closing your eyes, it’s better to learn not to wake up from it. Then you can decide if you want to or not.
Hoom Ok.
I’ll have a go next time I have a Lucid Dream at closing my eyes.
Hey, it’s probably a good way to teleport or something. Just gotta not wake up.