I’ve heard people say here that they have to perform RC’s to know if they’re awake or asleep. Does that mean when you’re lucid you’re seeing everything just as you would awake? Or is it just an effort to convince yourself in the dream, as otherwise anything would seem normal?
I guess I need to explain better. Some dreams I have I can see myself in third person for some reason (at least I think I can, my dream recall isn’t the best,) and sometimes I can see in first person, just as if I was awake.
When you’re lucid, are you always in first person seeing out your own eyes?
It’s hard to explain, but I hope someone can understand me well enough to provide an answer
Another question I’ve just thought of: do you really feel sensations when lucid? i.e. if I was flying, would I feel the wind against my face, or would stuff just go by me quicker? I don’t know what to expect when I LD. I’m worried that after reading stuff here I’ve spoiled it for myself and I won’t think being lucid is anything good at all.
Okay, generally when you’re lucid you’ll see through first person (simply because that’s what you epxect).
However, you could see from the third person if you wanted too (or if you were in the third person before you were lucid, you could change to first person… remember, anyting is possible in LD’s).
When you’re lucid you do feel sensations (so no need to worry about that ).
And I’m sure there will be some who are bored of reading this by now (I post it every chance I get ), but it really does help:
When you’re lucid, think about how the sensations feel and how realistic they are. Do the same thing with objects - look at them and consider how realistic they are (touch them too, and feel their textures).
Also, consider how you seem to be in the dream. Look around yourself - think about how realistic it all seems (which is, by the way, very realistic).
This will: increase lucidity, vividness and make it easier for you to remember when you wake up.
Seriously, though. I’ve been reading some topics about SP/WILD. I’m obviously not going to try WILD until after I LD, but SP frightens me. I don’t really want pain/fear/paralysis
My question to you is, can I expect to encounter (I say expect because it’s most likely a possibilty with any induction technique) SP if I’m just trying MILD? I don’t like the idea of extreme pain/fear…
Thanks, you’ve been a big help.
EDIT - just saw suffication in one thread as well. I need to stop looking at this stuff and just try it myself. Bedtime now. 4:30 and I need to be awake by a decent time.
You shouldn’t be afraid by SP - it’s not dangerous and you don’t feel any pain (though there are a few mildly unpleasant feelings that you could experince, but these can generally be over come by just relaxing). After all, its all just in your mind.
MILD itself can’t cause SP. But just SP can be caused from just going to sleep or waking up (people who have never even heard of LD’ing have experinced them), so there is no clear cut way of avoiding them.
If you DO ever experince SP, just relax and remind yourself that everything you hear/see/feel is all in your mind. Keep going with it and try to get an LD out of it.
If you really want to get out of the SP, don’t panic (that won’t get you anywhere). Instead, relax and tell yourself that the SP is just going to go away.
Feenix, SP is perfctly fine. Just remember, you are in bed, and that, really, you are safe.
These horrible feelings are clues that you are getting close to lucidity through WILD. Another way to aviod these sensations is to engage your mind in maths, or a story. This way you pay attension to your thoughts, and not to the sensations.
Last night I tried to WILD, I heard full Hypnogogic sounds of people, before relizing it and waking up. Not much visual yet. I will achieve WILD one day.
I am just scared of encountering vampires/demons/whatever else you could label scary when I’m in SP (I’m assuming when people say fear they mean seeing things you consider scary.)
I had bad nightmares a few years back. They just went away one day, but they left me scared to fall asleep for a few months after that.
What I’m saying is that in that situation, I’d be unable to simply relax. I’d totally freak. But, I’m going to have to try it. The only way to beat your fears is to confront them, right?
Do relax, because these creatures don’t exist in real life. So they must be fictional. Therefore they can’t hurt you. If I dreamt someone tried to suck my blood, I would laugh and thump them on the head
All I am saying is that you should start regarding these creatures as inferior in real life, and that attitude will enter with you into your dreams.
I have never experienced WILD but I have experienced the sounds. One morning I heard a female voice whispering right into my ear “Nic… Nic” and it woke me up and no one else was awake and it was somewhat frightening but I got over it. and sometimes, at night I will go into this phase of uncomfortable sleep where I am half awake and half asleep and I sense people in my room, sometimes i even dream that they are there in my room but i know I am still half awake. I think I am just hallucinating. And I can hear them talking in my room and stuff. and sometimes i think i hear music. This usually happens when i am having trouble falling asleep and I am drifting in and out of sleep all night.
And as for the 1st and 3rd person thing, I usually see things from a 1st person vantage point. but occasionally, I will dream in 3rd person and see myself. It is definitely strange!
yeah I also always hear wierd friggin sounds when doing WILD, one night I was trying to WILD I began watching little dots infront of my eyes when I heard a highpitched wizzing sound and glass breaking, I could have sworn it was some guy in my backyard shooting .22’s at my house. but nothin was wrong so it had to be WILD. Scared the crap outta me thats for sure.
i would say 95% of both my lucid dreams and normal dreams are in first person. I have only a couple of 3th person dreams that i can remember, and none of them were lucid.
In my case yes! If it is a high level lucid dream, then all my sensations will work… An example of one of my more vivid LD’s:
"I was standing on the side walk in the centrum of some smaller city, it was like a line of small shops, restaurants, pubs, cafes and such… It felt like the air was around 25c and i could also smell that air was very humid, like right before a thunderstorm. I could also smell the hamburgers from the burger king shop right left of me.
I was really amazed about all the details and everything, but thinks got even better when it started to rain. I could both hear the rain and feel it on my skin."
So yeah, lucid dreams can be really damn vivid… Flying in a LD creates a similar sensation of the drops in a rollercoaster for me.
I’ve never seen or heard anyting during SP, just felt strange, couldn’t move my body and felt a prescence in the room. It didn’t last very long. The more you learn about SP the easier it will get to recognise when it comes.
Also if you can imagine what a sensation feels like then you can dream it too.
I used to have reoccuring dreams that I was fell out of my dining room window by leaning too far back on my chair. The feeling of falling was so intense that it woke me everytime.