Which dreams should not stay lucid?

Not very intellectual question, but what if somebody have already faced this problem and found a decision. Recently I had several very low-lucid dreams. The level of consciousness was so low, that I almost did not remember those dreams upon awakening. I knew that I was dreaming, but I did not think any clear at all, and the only thought I could generate was “stay in the dream”. These dreams were very unstable, I almost woke up every five minutes (they were rather long after all) and had to re-enter them. I also do various stupid things to make it more realistic (like smashing my face against the floor and other stuff like that). This running, falling, touching things was very tiring, and so were the moments of re-entering, when I had to feel two bodies at one time. When I got up in the morning, I felt like a living illustration to an article about the dangers of dreaming. :shy:
Now the question: is there a way to recognize such worthless dreams and give them up (no stabilizing, no reentering)? I cannot do it by logic, because the logic is absent in such dreams. Only automatic clutching to the dream – it is useful itself, but how can I change the program?

Um… when you wake up, DO NOT re-enter the bad dream

Well,i can imagine you can get tired after so many tries and such but in a way it is still a step forward.Every time you try to re- enter dream or try different methods to stabilize it you learn quite a lot.Look at it as positive ,educational experience.I can imagine that in time you will have less and less low control lds just because your mind will be more trained and eventually go in auto mode without you even noticing it.
good luck.

Yeah, it’s called losing lucidity. Once you get somewhat conscious that you are dreaming, remember to look at your hands and vividly examine your hands and how screwed up they look. This boosts lucidity AND vividness all in one action! I love doing this, because in dreams my hands looks like something off a sci-fi movie and they look very interesting.

If your having problems staying lucid you could try the spinning technqiue and really focus on feeling the sensation of spinning. This particlular technique has worked very well from my. The only downside is that you might be somewhere else when you stop spinning.

Wow that sounds very similar to some LD’s i have. They tend to come when i over sleep though… and usually to stay in them i repeat over and over “this is a dream”, but it always ends quite quickly no matter what i do!

Though i do get normal long LD’s as well

With time and experience you’ll catch the swing of things.

Thank you all for the replies… I’ll try the techniques for increasing lucidity. To tell the truth, I used them all before, but recently I must have decided I already “caught the swing” and don’t need to think about it. :shy:
But it’s still weird, that I could remember all the things to stay in the dream and even did not have any conscious thought on why I want to do it.

Sometimes I awaken after a lucid dream and realize I forgot my intent of that lucid dream. Sometimes I go lucid and have an intent or plan I wish to fulfill whilst lucid. Oh yeah, see if you can remember your real life name in your lucid dream. That’s another way I use to boost lucidity. I actually remembered my FULL real life name in a lucid dream and said it out loud in the dream! I was so happy.