splitted from another thread and put into the QFL forum, with a proper title, so that it’s likely to receive more answers
I need to find a really good RC that I will remember to do in my dreams. I guess I’ll just have to find the one that works best for me. Which one works the best for any of you?
Isn’t that a bit difficult? I mean, most colors turn up hundreds of times each day. My color is deep blue, but if I had to do a RC everytime I encounter deep blue, I’m going crazy
I ussually do a bunch of RCs every time I think of it.
I’ll always first find some words and see if that appears normal.
Then I’ll look all over for anything that appears out of place, here I’ll use every RC that I can think of and if I come to the conclusion that I’m not dreaming I say to myself “In my dreams tonight I want to do a RC just like the one I just did” or something like that.
Yah, I heared the nose one works great. And dreaminghamster I think the spelling one would work great too. I also heared that autosuggestion/thinking about lucid dreaming before bed or sleep works great too, but I’m still working on it.
I check my hand for my birthmark, which you can do if you added a dot with a marker. That and the nose RC work most often, though the other day both failed on me. ><;
I use the hold-your-nose one and counting my fingers. (Either that or using a clock if one is around.)
The only one that has a tendency to fail is the nose one, and that’s usually because there’s sometimes only a little air coming through, combined with using reality checks too much. (Not asking yourself wether you’re dreaming ot not.)
The only RC that has worked for me so far is looking at my hands in the dream, then quickly looking at them again. Your hands should look different. Even if they still look normal, the sudden change of their position was still enough to convince me.
I heard the hand ones great. I should really start doing that one. So I guess just look for the unfimiliar on your hands, so like recognizing birth marks or any mark like Wolf said or counting your fingers like Fante said, and recognizing any changes in them like Lina said. I think I’ll do all of those at one time, all throughout the day. Thanks.
I like the method where you hold your nose, then try to breath… I do it 10-20 times a day now… Sometimes I’ll just look aside from whatever I’m watching be it reality or dream, and do a nose RC, sometimes I surprised with my own lucidity!
Its great.
Try it.
The first time it worked, I fully expected it to just be another one of those reality checks of the real life variety but boy was I wrong…
Yah, I heared the nose one is awesome blon. I might consider doing that one more often seeming I only do it maybe twice a day, included with many others. Maybe if I just consintrate on 1 I might become more accostomed and fimiliar with it. ^^
The first couple times i tried the “finger through hand” thing it didn’t work, but then I figured out that was because I wasn’t pushing hard enough. You have to push pretty hard, and then you’ll feel a little prick and see your fingernail on the other side of your hand, get scared, and yank it back out again