While Attempting MILD Last Night

This was weird. I had a fairly loud fan on while I slept (A mistake, as I couldn’t concentrate on my mantra), and various times throughout the night, I’d wake up and notice the fan was off. Since I knew nobody turned it off, and it was still plugged in, I remembered to do a reality check. But everything checked out, so I shrugged it off and went back to sleep.
Here’s where it gets weird… I distinctly remember the fan still going while I was in the hypnagogic state every time before I woke throughout the night. (I tend to mentally merge dreams with reality the seconds before I fall asleep, and the seconds before I wake.)
So, here’s my question: When was I dreaming, when was I hallucinating, when was I awake, and was any of it lucid, since I consciously performed reality checks?
I know those questions are unanswerable, but I figured you all might find this interesting. Hope I posted it in the right place :smile:

Performing RCs is a sign of pre-lucidity. You are questioning if you are dreaming, but you reached the wrong conclusion :sad:

Unless you have high level of success with one RC its good to have a few different ones that you test one after another.

False Awakenings fool most of us. It can seem so realistic we believe we are awake. Good thing is FA is closer to LD than regular dream.

Use this experience to realize that dreams can fool you and that good RCs are important. :smile:

Thanks, but I should probably point out that about an hour ago I figured out what caused my experiences last night, and it’s alot more mundane than LDs, I fear. My fan is broken. Mere coincidence that I woke up just as it started shutting off intermittently. egg on face Bah, I feel sheepish LOL. Good advice, nonetheless though.

You were never lucid because you never realised you were dreaming.

Get in the habbit of doing a couple of RC’s as soon as you wake up and you’ll learn that FA’s can really become a gift.

But as asclepius said, some times we come to the wrong conclusion - or we have a broken fan.
