who coined the term "WILD" ?

We use WILD here all the time, but does anyone know who coined that acronym?

Stephan LeBerge and “The Lucidity Institute”, from a 5 minutes search on the internet. Search for the terms “WILD lucid dreaming” in Google and look upon the second result.

:grin: ok i feel silly now

i didn’t know he coined WILD too, i always thought MILD was his thing.


And who came with MILD and WBTB than? :content:

LaBerge as well?

Hehe. He sounds like a western modern day pioneer.

Did LaBerge come up with DILD, too? Did ld4all come up with the other ones? DR, DJ, SC, etc…

Most of them - no. But almost all of the names to the techs are from the lucidity institute or from LaBerge’s teacher.

Mostly everything came from LaBerge.

thougt so… did cecilia green add any (she wrote a book on LD’s before LaBerge did i think) are you an exile german kT4all ??