Why couldn't I control my Lucid Dreams?

I haven’t had a Lucid Dream in years…(Or have and don’t remember) not since like ages 5-8. When I was a child and had Ld’s (Didn’t know about Lucid dream back then) I couldn’t do anything. I tried screaming, I tried fighting, ect. I like cats.
The only thing that I could do was change the enviroment…and I didn’t even notice that in my dream.
Could it be possible that some part of me doesn’t want to do what I want to do? Does that even make sense?

Rips off my head


first off, knowing about the term and science of lucid dreaming helps. The more understanding of the state you have, the more power you will have over it. This is why most people who have LDs before they know about them cannot control them well.

Next, when you do have a lucid dream, you must be stable, and calm to have power. In a fading dream in which you’re really excited, you’ll likely have very little to no ability to control things.

Once you’re stable and relaxed, all you have to do is expect. Expect something to happen, and it will. KNOW it will happen, and it will.

You’ll learn your own style of control with experience, but these are some good general tips for your first few LD experiences. Hope this helps, happy dreaming :content: