Why do I have a hard time breathing when I try WILDs?

I feel so claustaphobic(sp?)when I do it. Why?

I am new to all of this, but my best guess is that it has to do with the sensations of your body falling asleep and numb while your mind is still awake. And I don’t think one has trouble breathing, its just that you are moving a diaphragm and a chest that are almost asleep; it simply feels weird.

I often have this problem when I first start, through counting 100 give or take. I just have to try and calm myself. Relax, take a couple of real deep breathes holding them in for a couple of seconds, letting them out real slowly, then start counting down. I also try to think the number on the inbreath, and not say the “I’m dreaming now” until the exhale. This gives me time to actually breathe in a rythmic, slow, deep pattern.
You also may want to try some breathing excerisizes before trying wild. These tend to carry over into whatever I do after performing them.