why don't i remember waking up?

I started keeping a dream journal about a week ago, with varying results. The first night I remembered a dream so vividly that it took up 4 pages. Now I remember 2 or 3 dreams per night but only in vague fragments. My dream recall has increased dramatically, but there’s a problem… I don’t remember waking up anymore. I used to wake up in my bed and be able to go about my morning routine. Now, instead of ‘waking up,’ I’ll suddenly become aware that I’m in my own bed. By that I mean that technically I was conscious, without really realizing it. It’s so hard to explain, I really hope this is making sense. I’m not even sure if I was thinking about anything prior to becoming aware of being in my bed. If I was then I forget it all. I do know that my eyes are wide open for some, if not most, of the time. Once I become aware of being awake, I’ll sit there for even longer trying to remember my dreams. When I do I write them down and then get out of bed. Upon getting out of bed I’ll have a very profound feeling as if I just came into existance… like I was just born or something. It’s very wierd and I hope someone can shed some light on this for me. I know that most of this post doesn’t make much sense, sorry about that, but this experience doesn’t make much sense either.

Oh, and if it makes a difference… I have not yet become lucid during my dreams.

It totally makes sense.

For me, waking up in the morning is like a “normal” awakening. But when I wake up during the night it is just as you described, I suddenly “become aware” that I’m awake.
I guess that the two are not too different forms of awakening, but I’m not sure. Maybe it has something to do with either slowly or quickly coming from deep sleep to an awake state.

I’ve had a feeling similar to that during the day but never when waking up. I’ll be at work doing some repetitive task and then suddenly it feels like I disappeared for a few seconds and can’t remember where I am. I get it a lot.

This happens to me occasionaly at night. I’ll be thinking about any random thing, and then suddenly realise that I’m laying in bed, check the time and realise that it’s four or whatever since my last memory.

I can usually (with a ltitle effort) remember my dreams from here, but most the time I’m too lazy :razz:.

Well at least I know it’s not just me…

Whoa… Something like this happens to me too, although I’m not sure if its exactly the same thing,

Like, sometimes, if I’m playing my guitar, my mind sort of drifts away and its like im not there for a really short time, and then I realise and become aware again, or sometimes, my mind is thinking things without me realising at the time, but then I realise a moment later, and it’s just weird…

Whispa, thats what I do! My mind will completely go blank for a minute. That usually means you aren’t having enough sleep.