Why is it Sleep Paralysis happends...

Why is it Sleep Paralysis happends before and after having a lucid dream ?? I Lucid Dream almost every nite some times I even have 3 or 4 Lucid Dreams in a night… Ive just never understood the tie that Sleep Paralysis has with Lucid Dreaming… the only thing I do find useful for Sleep Paralysis Is that I find it to be the perfect state of consciousness for Astral Projection… any thoughts on this plz ?? why SP happens ??

Easy, the body is paralyzed during dreams so that we don’t sleepwalk into a predator’s mouth. Probably more interesting to ask why sleepwalking happens… :peek:


Sleep Paralysis is a mechanism your body uses to stop you from moving your body. Your body and mind are constantly communicating and when your mind goes to sleep, your body turns on this mechanism so you wont move your body, if for example, you started to run in the dream.

You can always turn it off though.

Just relax and start thinking about moving one of your fingers, slowly slowly without any anticipation or stress. You’ll find yourself reconnecting with your body and out of paralysis soon enough…

Hope this helps

that is interesting to know~ all i know is that we get paralyzed during REM sleep.
:smile: But paralysis is very scary when u have nightmare and feel som1 is watching u from the back—or choking u ---- ugh! lol

Yes,SP is a funcion our body uses to prevent us from waking in a dream in case we start moving in the real life,due to dream intenseness.
What it does,it disconnects our brain from our body,so we have no control over our body,but you can give orders to your brain…“Right hand,move!”

Nooo that’s terrible !

it is b ecause, when you are moving, you are having total sensation of moving and touching, so, to transition from this reality to the other, one body has to be inactive

so when you are in your imagination, you want to WILD, are still in the physical, and you start to touch a dream, and feel it, and move in it, then, it is the dream body that movies, and because this transition and distinction is, your waking body cannot move,

now if you are only imagining, and not entering, then you can move your physical body,

the same brain pathways for movement and touch and motion and speech must be active in some way during REM (? ) so, the paralysis is a safety mechanism to keep you from moving while dreaming.