Why is it so difficult to make a lucid dreaming mask clone?

Hey Guys,

So far I have read so many posts on here over the years about you guys trying to make a REM detecting lucid dream mask like the novadreamer, remdreamer, dreammaker. Why hasn’t anybody just taken apart any of those above mentioned lucid dreaming masks and then just take note of all the components. Then head on over to radioshack and buy the parts. Return home and build it, and finally have a complete clone for a fraction of the cost!!!

This way you could build the thing and just use the same software for the above mentioned dream masks.

Why hasn’t anyone done this???

that would be patten enfrigment, and you could be suwed for it.

Well, I doubt that it would really be patent infringement, as long as you didn’t use the same specific parts, and didn’t try to sell it. Even still, I think the reason that this hasn’t been done yet is that, one they’re difficult to get, and in the case of the NovaDreamer impossible to get at the moment. That and they aren’t cheap, so most people aren’t willing to spend the money to see if they might be able to replicate it.

Well I can certainly say it’s not patent infringement. Anyone is allowed to take apart a product that they have bought to learn how it works, what components are used.

If your an engineer, then you can look at the underlying part of the product and see how you can improve this product into another more amazing product which can be further patented.

Now if that person posts on the net what parts are needed in order to build a clone that’s perfectly legal, at least in some countries. But if he went on and gave exact diagrams and schematics on how to go about making that product, then that can be seen as an infringement. But in all honesty companies this small that make these LD masks are not going to sue and they can’t really. Your allowed to make a clone as long as you don’t sell it.

Once someone posts online how to make the clone and then disappears, by then the loads of people would of downloaded the instructions and it would be very difficult for a company to go after all these people who just downloaded the instructions. Just like how it’s difficult to go after all the people who just downloaded the latest blockbuster movie off a torrent site. I am sure the makers behind these LD masks will be annoyed but they will know that it won’t affect their sales too much as the only people who would make the clone would be hard core people who know about electronics. and to a lot of other people they wouldn’t spend the time and money to build the LD mask when they can just buy it.

So I say we all give a way a donation to someone on here who has real experience in building an electronic device and they clone the remdreamer. What do you say to that guys?

I say we don’t discuss this on this forum since it’s the same as illegally copying stuff and offering it for download. That is also not allowed here, so neither is this project.
There are also a lot of free build-it-yourself clone masks around.