why melatonin whhhhyyy

for sum reason its not workin for me. I took it 7 nights in a row and lik 5 of those i took vitamin B also. nothin. i still have dreams. they r normal but there is sumin ‘different’ about them unless im mistaken. but i dont really notice any increase in vivdness or that could just be because i havent been lucid yet i havent been able to appreciat the vividness. anyway i knew u guys would ask this so. I been takin Melatonin 1 mg easy dissolve tablet under the toungue. i normally take it right when i lie down and just try to go to sleep as it dissolves. Am i doin anything wrong or am i just in that lik 1% that melatonin dont affect?

A week ago or so there was a person here that said it had a very strong effect from melatonin…he wouldnt try ever!
And you are the opposite…lol…not very sensitive at all…u could try a little larger dosage…like 2 mg…and c what happens then…or u could never do it again…well if u have to take more then 3 mg in the end i wouldnt do it at all…just to be safe!


Eh, well, it was a strong effect… physically. But mentally, the dreams weren’t any more vivid than they were normally.

Drugs, hormones, herbs, any sort of supplement you take will only HELP you along the path to lucidity… the rest is up to you. I believe you need to live mindfully. Be mindfull (aware) of all that you do. Act as if you’re in a dream at all times. When you do perform your routine reality checks, step back from the big picture, pause, and just be aware of the room or your surroundings. Do this enough in your normal waking life and you will start doing it in your dreams.

Melatonin will not magically increase your dreams or help you to become aware. The purpose is to relax your body and put it asleep. Taking melatonin is considered a sleep aid, meaning it deepens your sleep. Like I said before, the rest is up to you… mentally. Its tough, stay persistant, adn dont give up.

oct out

Yup,i wouldnt worry Trigpoe.I also take melatonin,mainly cuz i work diff hours and cant fall asleep properly.
And its definately not ld maker.Ive noticed maybe more dreams,a bit more vividness but no revelations,really.I just like it mainly for putting me to sleep so nicely.
To be honest-ive had one ,really long and vivid ld while using melatonin but i guess it was just coincidence as i havent had any since.
good luck