Why these forums help! =)

I was reading some nice threads about if one is getting close to LD by dreaming about LD but not LD, and then read a thread about RC’s…came across the subconcsious getting the idea thingy, and realized that going to these forums probably contribute a good deal to your subconscious conditioning that LD’s are good. :smile: (if not helps one gain quite a bit of conscious knowledge in the field)

Though it may be akin somewhat to a dependence on forums for LD thing, it can serve as a sort of ‘subconscious stepping stone’, giving you LD experience without skill, so that you sort of get a boost up in order to check out and develop your own personal LD techniques. Once youve got your thing going, be it WILD, MILD, DILD, or the usual mix between all technique, still going to the forums serves as a subconscious boost (MILD). Not to mention these forums will then have advanced peoples that show people many things: a)that LDs are possible, and that b)yes they can be induced via personal technique. Furthermore, c)that there are people here willing to help ppl (just starting out and even otherwise :content: ) to develop their own technique via suggestion and insight. Probably a lot more that im missing, not being too advanced myself i wouldnt know.

What do you all think?

Hehe, and to you lurkers out there: Sign up ppl! Get posting! Get with this community and contribute to the development of LD tech. :cool: Hmm, thinking about it, this community on these forums is perhaps the largest and most LD advanced community there is! WOOT WOOT!

Thanks go out to PasQuale, the mods, and to everyone else at the forums. :smile:

So yes. In conclusion, these forums pwn, and addiction is to them is not a bad thing, because such helps w/ more LD’s :cool: (its my rationalization for my increasing addiction) :tongue: