some nights ago I was trying WILD, at some point… I think around the HI time I began to feel hotter and hotter… at first I tried not to care, but it got worse until I felt sweat dripping from my forehead, at this point i said “**** it” and decided to get some sleep, but as alwais after unsuccessful WILD (so I could say every time) I had a lot of troubles sleeping.
Interesting that as soon as I stopped WILDing temperature dropped to normal… has anyone ever experienced anything like this?
Yea I have had the same experience. For me it got hotter and hotter untill I started to sweat a little like you. I wonder if this is normal…
Aye, I get pretty hot too sometimes.
I wonder if this could have any relation with diafragmatic respiration… I was counting my breath, but when I pay all that attention to breathing and my body goes numb I tend to switch to conscious use of diafragm like you would in martial arts so maybe the oxigen flow gets a big too heavy and thus comes the higher body temperature … Btw it happened 2 times in a row and then never more