WILD at FIRST sleep session???

Hey everyone…I know there is a huge WILD topic thread here, but I wanted to create a little spinoff of that, if I may. Here it is in a nutshell…

In the past, for me, MILD has not worked very well at all. I’ve read Laberge’s book, “The Quest for Lucidity” (GREAT book), and have tried all the respective techniques, but MILD hasn’t proven to be an effective method of LD’ing for me. I’ve been into LDs for about 2 years now, but have only had around 10 LDs. :bored: I’d say about 7 of those 10 were DILDs, with use of recognizing dreamsigns, and the other 3 more recent LDs were WILDs. All 3 WILDs occurred after I’d already fallen asleep and awoke briefly. Well, since those WILDs, I’ve really been into trying to achieve WILDs in my first sleep session of the night…

I’ve had quite a few NEARLY successful attempts where I’ve heard those distinctive buzzing and crunching noises, flashing and swirling lights, pins and needles, paralysis and numbness, and even a few times a feeling of movement away from my body…BUT, every single time, no matter how close I feel like I’m getting to a WILD, there comes a “sticking point” where it will be total blackness…at this point I’ve tried “rolling out” of my body, spinning out, getting up, etc…nothing ever fully works! :grrr: The closest I’ve EVER gotten was one night about a week ago - I was attempting WILD at the first sleep session of the night, and during that “sticking point”, I was trying to envision dancing closely with a girl - and I DID for a brief time actually feel a girl’s body pressed against mine in a dancing movement, but for some reason I never got it to turn into an LD. :angry: That alone kinda proves to me that it’s possible!

I’ve read here that it can’t be done, yet, on the same vein, I’ve read forumer’s testimonials claiming they’ve done it. If anyone here HAS done it, can you please give me some tips on how I might be able to get beyond that sticking point?! And to those of you that say it can’t be done: why exactly do you say that? Just because WILDs originally were intended only to use after the first sleep session?? Who’s to say there’s not a clean cut method to get WILD to work at the very first sleep session? The brain is so undescribably powerful that there are probably millions of things we don’t know about in the light of lucid dreaming.

So, that’s my goal now, because I haven’t even had a damn DILD in a long while, and I’m dying to have another LD!! WILDs just seems like a great shortcut to take, albeit VERY difficult to pull off. :neutral: Well, thanks in advance for your comments! Ciao…