After a few nights of WILD’ing, failing in doing so, I have come to ask for some advice. When I did WILD the last few days (the last three days to be precise) I layed down for over an hour and finally moved knowing it doesn’t get me anywhere. From a small failure a night before, where I accedentally slipped into sleep, I wanted to stay more aware and count more. This caused me to not fall asleep at all. So my question is; What should you focus more on? Awareness or relaxation? Your opinions?
How about. first focus on relaxation, then when youre good and relaxed. focus on awareness.
hmm, would still fuck my attempts up i think:P
How many people can actually have a WILD right at the beginning of the night? Because REM is the 5th stage of sleep, and it’s rather far away and short when just going to sleep. I don’t know, it seems to be the most popular method around here, but who really does it? I’ve had SP and turned them into a dream and they were quite awful because it wasn’t REM.
Should we be thinking a lot, or clearing our mind?
I think the problem was that you focused too hard on the awareness, making it too hard to fall asleep. Try balancing both, if you feel too awake then relax more, if you’re too close to fall asleep then focus more your awareness.
That is one of the difficultys of WILD, you have to be relaxed enough that your ody falls asleep, but awake enough that your mind stays awake. It is not easy, meditation, or self hypnosis can help you in learning how to keep the balance.
It is also harder when you first go to bed at night because your mind is also very tired. That is one reason why WBTB helps so much with WILD. It also puts you closer to REM sleep as LogicGate said.