[WILD] Disturbed by jolts


I tried WILD this morning (this is the first time I tried it immediately after waking up at normal time) and although I didn’t quite attain my goal, I got quite close. Or, at least I think so… That’s why I’ve written this post; I want you to tell me just how close I was.

I woke at 7:30, and decided shortly after that I would attempt WILD. I stayed still for about 20 minutes (<- Unvarifyable) and got to the point of being numb all over. Frequently, I got jolts in my joints that made me involentarily move, and I had three cases of uncontrolable eye movements. The nearest thing I got to hypnogogic imagery (I’ve never experienced it truly) was the light shining through the window disappearing and I appeared to fly into some kind of darkish blue chamber. But it disappeared shortly. After more jolts, and more exciing rushes in my chest, I couldn’t keep my eyes shut. It was 8:45ish.

Can anybody help me out? How do I take it from there? If it helps, I was repeating “I will have a lucid dream” in my head to stop me losing concentration and I was visualising floating out of my body, which provided really strong energy rushes each time.

~Thanks in advance :content:

sometimes I try WILD in the morning but I just can’t fall asleep because I started too late. I was too rested. And I feel the duty to record dreams before I forget them, I always wait until morning, lazy.

How strong and what did it feel like? If it felt really strong and electrical - like sticking a fork in an outlet, then you’re there. Not close, there… For me, the vibrations come in strong surges and all I have to do is move when they’re happening. It took me years to learn that part. I usually log roll at that point, but you might want to take it easier (just so you don’t end up on the floor). Try lifting an arm. Don’t visualize it. Actually move your arm when you get a big surge.

:eek: (that’s the Jacky-woo-when-he-see’s-his-etherial-arm-for-the-first-time smiley)

If it’s not like sticking a fork in an outlet, then I dunno. :confused:

They were just as you described. I’ll try it tonight :happy: Thankies!