WILD doesnt work for me.

its so hard to concentrate while falling asleep.
i try to do it like. nightly and i cant.
i did it one time and it was super, but that time i was so upset for not doing it i counted in my head. i got to like 500 before i fell asleep.

does anybody have any tips or methods.
or maybe numbers is to hard of a thing to think of.

anything would help ;[

Try with WBTB. Remember how you did it your first time as well, it seems that WILD might get gradually easier with more experience, like many things in life. :smile:

Are you doing it when you go to bed, or after you wake up early? Do it after you wake up early, but don’t move, or it’ll mess it up.

WILD is tricky because it can be done in so many ways. It all just depends on the kind of sleeper that you are…

If numbers keep you up, which they usually do to a lot of people because of too much thinking, then try something a little more lazy. While it may sound like VILD, try visualizing something to make you still stay concious enough to WILD. For example, you could picture yourself in a glass elevator high up in the sky, and you would see the whole earth around you coming closer and closer, and as you approach the ground, you come closer and closer to a LD. This visualization, like many others that you can probably think of, will allow you to put yourself in a trance that will make you believe that once that elevator hits the surface, you will be in a dream, and you will become lucid.

If visualization doesn’t cut it for you, try telling yourself that after a couple of minutes worth of a pause (doesn’t have to be an exact amount of time), you will perform a RC. This works best with WBTB, as you are more tired in the middle of the night and will most likely fall asleep while waiting for that pause to be over, but because of your intentions, you will still perform that RC, whether you are in a dream or not.

Hopefully that made sense…heh. All it takes is some experimentation. Just remember that if a certain method that you are trying doesn’t work for many nights in a row, then it’s best to move on to some other variation or maybe even a whole new technique category.

i usually try this at nights. it may be harder because i dont see images because i strain mself. i dont sleep usually until about 4 or 5 am.
the first time i did it it was out of frustration. i had been into this so long and i consider myself somebody who if the really i can put enough effort to making it happen. and i cant make it happen.
so one night i force counted for like 15 minutes. and it was annoying. but one happened.

i tried a visual one time. i didnt know it was a vild though. i just imagined myself taking the road i take when i drive to school, but walking it. and i fell asleep ;[

i still try and will continue to try.

I tried doing WILD A LOT for a couple months at almost a nightly basis… I think all of that practice which I thought was futile all added up and made my first WBTB + WILD attempt a lot easier than it should of been.

Just whenever you wake up in the morning just do something you normally would do, I watched family guy for about 30 minutes and drank a energy drink (how ironic but I think the vitamins in it helped my dreams become more vivid) and was like blah I’m still a little tired I guess I’ll sleep some more but I did have the thought of WILD on my mind so I did it and wham first WILD and it was so cool.
