WILD - Hearing Voices?

Hey guys…

Last night I attempted to do a WILD, because I was going to sleep rather early so it felt more or less like a nap, even though I ended up sleeping through the night. I was confident it was a good time to try performing WILD, so I went ahead and tried, none-the-less.

After lying for a little while, and counting to 100 more than once slowly, with “i’m dreaming” between each number I eventually heard some noises, but it sounded like my wall next to me was being pounded, rather lightly. This is actually a pretty common sound for me to hear in my room because of the shower sometimes, and pipes and things… I just disregarded that as nothing and waiting for vibrations because that was always the first thing i’d notice when I tried WILDing previous times.

However this time, I never really got to vibrations. I did at one point feel as if my body was shaking a little, but it was something so minor I barely felt it and disregarded that as something unimportant, along with the sounds earlier on. It was difficult to not fall asleep, because I was quite tired and often drifted off noticing I lost my count numerous times.

Eventually, I heard my bedroom door opening and at that point I was thinking to my self “oh no… don’t wake me up now dad i’m so far into this WILD now I don’t want to start all over again”. I was expecting my dad, or mom to wake me up. Then I heard my dads voice saying to me “Joseph…”, almost as if he was trying to wake me up.

I thought, “oh crap it is my dad waking me up now” and I woke myself up slowly and turned around to see what he wanted. But, he wasn’t there… my bedroom door was shut and my room was empty and everything was as I left it before I tried to WILD. Not much time had passed either, at least nothing more than I expected to.

I never checked with my dad if he actually came into my room to wake me up or not, but the fact is he NEVER comes into my room to wake me up, ever… it’s odd that I even expected it being him in the first place but for some reason I did and then I heard his voice, very clearly saying “Joseph…” in the tone of trying to wake me up, but it also had an almost “sly” attitude to it.

Anyway this was very strange… hearing his voice, and now i’m wondering if this could be part of WILD or not. The next time I hear someone talking to me, “feeling” the presence of someone in the room coming to wake me up, should I wake up? Or should I try to ignore it and continue to WILD?

Calling all expert WILDers! What was this voice?!

I hear voices calling my name too sometimes, but they fade away almost immediately :sad:

Definatly ignore it and continue. That has happend to me a few times where i here people i know calling my name that arent even in my house. Once i had a scary experience trying to AP even though its not scary now it was then and vioces were trying to calm me down, it definatly wasnt me because i was too scared and would have known.

Gee… I suppose it’s just one of the weird effects of WILD… I am interesting as to why I would hear a voice such as that though. Anyone have an idea?

I’ll try to remember the next time I decide to WILD that if I hear a voice of someone, or something… anything, i’ll ignore it and focus about 30% of my attention on staying awake, the rest on any images or dreams that I fade into.

1.I am not too experienced WILDer

2.For me it seems that you just had hallucinations, that actually was that voice. Did you were in SP? If so, propably that was it, because after all dors was closed and noone was in your room…

I think it was a hallucination… because the thought of a ghost would be pretty creepy! Nah, WILD indeed comes with side-effects like that, because you’re going through the sleep stages consciously. I’m a semi-natural WILDer (okay, sort of) and I’ve experienced things like lights, sounds and music a lot - especially the music. I think it’s because when hearing sounds your brain tries to interpret them, even though they don’t mean anything… that’s how it can seem like someone is calling your name.

Although it’s still kind of odd it’s exactly your dad’s voice! Quite possibly you were already dreaming. Sometimes WILD can be tricky like that and turn itself into an FA. @_@

Many people hear voices when trying to WILD. It could sound like a parent, a wife or husband, a brother or sister.

When I try to WILD I often ‘hear’ the door of my apartment opening. Or I hear someone call my name.

The challenge is to stay calm and relaxed and ignore the distractions.

I find this hard to do :sad:

In my experience, the voices are completely normal. It’s just like hypnogogics: nothing to worry about. When I was heavily into WILD, I made a point to kick off each session by really listening to those strange voices, and paying attention to the accompanying imagery. I called them “HI sound bites”, and they never failed to crack me up. I even believe that they can help you with WILD, if you can use the voices or imagery to help merge yourself in with the scene. Give it a shot. Don’t worry about it being a real person: if somebody really wants to wake you up, they will. Just focus on WILDing.

Good luck! :smile:

Well, when I was trying to wake up and turn around to reply to my “dad”, I remember it was quite difficult to get my eyes open. Almost as if I had to open them twice. From a dream, and then IRL. Odd huh? Well, it’s possible I was hallucinating, it’s also possible I was already dreaming at the time and I was dreaming I was sleeping. But, the most obvious thing to me is that it was simply part of WILD (for me). Afterall everyone is different.

Thanks for the responses, so many! Woot!

For some strange reason, I think it’s awesome that some people hear voices while WILDing or APing. Alas, I no longer hear noises during WILD, they just slowly disappeared. Even when they were there it was usually just noises like a basketball bouncing hard on my floor or a loud cracking noise (one time I even heard a train in my room). Yet I have never heard any voices, not even a single word :sad: .

Still though, I’m not surprised that you thought your dad was actually in the room with you. When I would hear noises in my room I always had that feeling of being watched…