WILD help: not progressing

I was trying to WILD to day and once again, was unsuccessful. I have been attempting to WILD for 6 months pretty frequently and made little progress. I guess my question is what should I do to improve or see improvments? Today, I saw a bit of HI and towards the end started feeling strong vibrations in my feet, but the vibrations never got past my calfs. I’ve attempted all types of ways to do it and was wondering if you all think it would be more helpful if I just stuck to one technique every night. Usually i breath in and count 1 thn out and say im dreaming. I got to 400 today and that was an hour of lying there in the afternoon nap. SO i guess what I’m asking is what steps could I make to see improvment.

Well, I think if you’ve been trying it for 6 months, you need to go ahead and try a new tech… Some people aren’t good at certain techniques and some people are…

WILD doesn’t work for everyone. Take a break from it. Usually that helps. I quit trying to WILD since I had a better experience with DILD/MILD

Err. When I say im not making progress, I know i can WILD. I did it once a long time ago, and a few times when i had insomnia (for some reason laying in bed 6 hours just brings REM instantly for me). I know I can I just am doing something wrong i think.

Do you relax yourself completely? Do you focus too hard on the counting too hard perhaps? Do you let go and slowly allow yourself to drift off to sleep while counting? Have you tried listening to music while WILDing? (works pretty good for me when I’m really sleepy).

I find a major problem I have with WILDing is that I forget to relax my mouth and my lips. Sometimes I just lay in bed for a half hour before realizing that my lips were puckered or something crazy like that. I relax them and BAM! a hypnagonic image of my Grandpa eating in a restaurant, telling me that the peppers are done just right. Voila.

Well I tried WILD again today and noticed what I think is my problem, just dont understand how to correct it. MY problem I think indeed is not letting myself go and allowing myself to drift to sleep. Now that I think about it, Ive never fallen asleep during WILD so i do think im paying too much attention to my method. Anyone else have this problem and how did you correct it?

Do you WILD during the afternoon or with WBTB? Because I find a major problem I have with doing it in the afternoon is that I cant fall asleep. I basically stopped trying to, because unless I wake up at 6 in the morning or some nonsense like that, I cant fall asleep. So, if you havent, try WBTB with WILD. It is MUCH easier. Its good to get a little experience in the sometimes though. It just takes a lot longer :smile:

I LD during WBTB and afternoon naps, BTW Im thinking about not counting as a way to keep me aware. I think if i focus on breathing it will keep my mind aware without being too conscience. Does anybody else know other methods which make it easier to not be too aware during WILD

I focus on tinnitus (ringing noise in ear). Well. Kinda. I try to focus on it without focusing too much, and when it gets louder, I try to ignore it so it gets even louder, because usually when the tinnitus gets too loud, I’m on the verge of dreaming…

Thx MatrixMan, Ill try that tinnitus and the breathing one and post any results.