WILD help

Recently, i tried to get wake induced lucid dreams by setting my alarm clock at 4:30am, but i didn’t work, and my mom had to come in and shut it off for me cuz i was to asleep! Damn it! :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: I thought i set it to play the radio, but i think it did that loud buzzing :bored: Please help me!

An “easy” method to wake up is to simply tell yourself to wake up at whatever time you want. You have an internal clock use it! Mine gets me up everyday at 4-4:30 AM, whenever my REM period ends. Just look at the time before you go to bed tell yourself you will wake up at the time you want. I even go as far as to calculate how many hours I will sleep before waking. It works reliably well. Not very good at the WILD aspects but waking up, I’m a pro :cool: :cool: