title changed, was: Wild question 
In WILD, I’ve accomplished completely relaxing and I keep concentrating. Last night I got past this point, and continued for what seemed like forever to find these “images” but after that part I can’t remember… Obviously I failed.
Does time vary on how long it takes to reach HI?
What do you do once you start having HI?
Well for the second question i think you try to enter your images to enter a LD.
Honestly the amount of time it takes to get to HI depends on you as a person and how tired you are. So with that, only you can figure out the amounts. A way to decrease the amount of time is using WBTB, because when you wake up in the middle of the night, you are generally extremely tired, and will enter HI and dreamstates much quicker.
As for what you do with that HI, it’s exactly as Bright_Eyes_Rocks said. You enter the HI as if you were stepping through a TV screen. All you have to do is picture the HI getting closer, and show yourself literally walking into it either in the first or third person point of view. It’s as simple as that, and once it happens, you will be in the dreamworld.
It may take a couple of tries, but you will most definately get it down after the first success.
WILD is very difficult if you are doing it when you first go to bed. When you first go to bed, you normaly go into a deep sleep cycle that lasts about 60 mins. Most people ether do not dream during this time, or have very fuzzy dreams and poor recall. That is why it is beter to sleep aprox. six hours before doing WILD. Then you can go directly into REM sleep. Then you have better dreams and better recall.
That said, the time it take to get to HI, or HH in general depends on the person, if you normal fall asleep very quickly, and are modivated enough to keep your mind focused while you are falling asleep, you should get HI or HH with a few mins. If not, it could take hours. There are people on the fourm who said that they tried WILD for up to three hours without success. I would say that about 1/2 hour would be a good limit. If you don’t have any success by then, you should stop.
Once you get HI, you should remain calm, and let the HI develop, if it does, untill it is like you are watching movie. Then you can try to enter the HI. This may take a few trys. It may not work at all. Some people never get HI and enter a dream by just floating out of their body, or rolling out of their body. I do get HI, but just have to ignore it. It never gets to movie type HI, and I have never been able to enter it. I just keep waiting until I have a short blackout, then I am in a dream, and know it. 
That is another reason that WILD is so difficult, you may have to try a lot of things befor you find what works for you. 
Thanks everyone. I’ll be trying these suggestions tonight 
This sort of spawns a question I hadn’t thought to ask. I frequently get HI, or at least that’s what I thought it was after I heard its description, when I’m drowsing off to sleep at the beginning of the night. The images have long been intriguing to me because they don’t reflect any recent experience or follow any predictable arc. It’s truly like I’m watching some scene scripted by someone else, i.e. not me.
What I’m seeing here makes me think that HI only occurs at the onset of REM sleep. Is this true? Is what I experience at the beginning of the evening HI, then? If not, what might it be? For a long time I thought this was a phenomenon that not many experienced. Then I read about HI and I thought, ok, maybe it’s not so unusual. Hmm.