WILD:I think I was super close! Please help!

Last night I tried WILDing again. This time I got really close! I felt all tingly and really light. My heart was beating super fast and it got really bright and flashy under my eyelids! But then it just seemed to die down from there…was I close?

It sounds like you were very close. It usually takes a few tries to get used to the HI.
The best time to try WILD is after you have been asleep for 4.5 or 5 hours. At that point it should only take a few minutes to get back to sleep, and performing WILD becomes much easier. Good Luck! :happy:

Ya you were really close. The small amount of times I have tried WILD I get to that stage and then I get nervous and it ends :sad:

You should try it with WBTB, its really helpful for me.

just 2 say i can just get to the HI stage too… but then i just doze off :bored: practice! oh, and i recommend practicing in afternoon naps. i had half an hour to kill so i set my phone to go off in half an hour and tried wild. I got good HI but no further.

What’s with everybody saying he was really close? :confused: Anyone who’s actually tried WILD and both failed and succeded knows that it is more to it than colorful HI and tingling feelings. Though I never got any of that when I succeeded with my WILD, I was just thrown right into the dream (letteraly).

From my own experience I’d say your body were preparing for SP, and the fact that your heart started beating faster means you noticed what was going on and you got excited- Probably causing your body to wake up again.
Practice staying calm, and for much higher (Like really much higher) successrate, do WILD after 4-6 hours of sleep.

You could do a WILD early in the morning which would be like a Wake-Induced-Back-To-Bed lol

I don’t think that is true… I can get my heart beating really fast or hard without really noticing it, just a little blip in my chest. When I do notice it, I can keep it going for as long as I feel like doing so, but I’ve never really gotten past that stage. Basically, what I’m saying is that, I don’t think that means he is waking up.

The thing is- You need to stay calm in order to fall asleep.