WILD issue: losing consciousness or not used to transition?

To be quick I had my first LD that lasted more than 5 seconds a week ago and it was just sooo awesome Ive decided to pursue LD seriously. I had many countless of strange scary beautiful awesome experiences in my life through meditation and lucy’s shin-digs…lol Ive also been experiencing SP a lot in the past few months that Ive learned to have fun with it and convince myself that I can levitate ect…“Possibly OBE” So I think I may be able to tackle WILD so thats what I have trying to do.

Here is my issue: I can easily get to the point where Im calm, letting visuals/sounds float by, just letting the hallucinations be. I don’t try to hold on to them but more of being aware of them, “and yes they are very very random” but there seems to be this extremely small time period “millisecond” where I lose consciousness and my real vision/hearing switch to my dream vision/hearing. “Almost like I’ve been submerged in water” Where my vision hallucinations and hearing hallucinations literally “bink” switch to a more materialized scene. For example at one moment Im watching very random visuals “shapes colors” and sounds then an instant later I will be looking at my girlfriend while she is talking about work. And again it seems like I lost consciousness for literally a millisecond, and that transition always shocks me out. :eek:

Now could this be because I am not staying aware just quit enough, and I do fall a sleep for a split second, or is this normal? Where I may need to learn to stay completely calm instantly after that transition.

Since it has shocked me out pretty much EVERY time Ive had many attempts at this and Ive been trying different balances ect… but again it seems that once I “submerge” into the dream senses it shocks me out of the dream.

Are you trying to stay awake for a long time? Because when is someone sleep deprived for a long time brain is shutting down for a second or so and it’s called micro sleep. But I very doubt that’s the case! :content:

Do you lose consciousness and awareness when transitioning from waking state into a dream? If so I believe that’s normal. Because whenever I do WILD I am aware of that transition, I’m aware that I will and that I did lose awareness for a second and then I know that what I see is actually a dream… Of course, RC helps! :smile:

I could very well have been sleep deprived, it could very well be a micro sleep. Like a quick twitch sorta.
I do lose consciousness and awareness for what seems a microsecond, and when I find myself in the dream state ““submerged…very small environment… like a face of a friend talking”” I guess I find myself convinced of the dream, and shocked to find myself there. but again it seems like that whole transition happens back|back. Its very strange.

Its strange because I am very aware just before that.

That’s normal and in my book very good. That’s what WILD is awareness|awareness. Sometimes you may lose consciousness and not regain it when start to dream, but if you keep awareness till transition then that unlikely and if it happens most commonly you will do RC so, there is no need to worry about that part.

It seems like idea of being lucid in a dream is fairly new to you, that’s why that’s the “shock” for you, when you realize that you are in a perfectly “what it seems real” world, yet you know that it isn’t and that’s what makes you awake again.

There are few things you can do; you can accept that in few more tries you will awake immediately, after that when menage to get more time inside the dream first thing you can do is grab something or feel the texture of something, anything in the sense, you can do multiply RC’s to ensure yourself that’s the dream and to bring stability. After that you need to calm yourself, modulate you emotions, you practice mediation as you said so this shouldn’t be to hard, at least in theory…

That’s what you can do, plus everything else I didn’t mention, but those would be advices for the beginning.

Good luck! :content:

Perfect, thats what I needed to hear and thank you.

I have had three memerable longer than a second LD’s, the first not very lucid, the second so lucid all I did was kneel to check out the amazing carpet “Those two were years ago” and the last which was a week ago. I did stay fairly calm, but it was a DILD and so I think it was easier to stay calm because I just came from a dream.

“you can accept that in few more tries you will awake immediately”

Thats great! Ill do that and make sure to fallow the wake with an RC.

I will post a reply with any advancement, and any technique I find that help make this successful.

I now see how WILD is a seriously tricky technique. I love challenges and I do think I can get this, especially since the reward is an AMAZING experience. :happy:

Feel free to experiment with other techniques on the way and master WILD while doing other techniques. It’s very personal technique and requires a lot of experimentation… You come a long way already and it won’t be so hard for you, just keep up with good work and never give up!!! :ok:

What do you mean by “modulate your emotions” ?

Well, firstly you need to feel calm, keep your emotions in order, not letting them to escalate. Because if you feel all to excited dream very often fades and you wake up with racing heart, nothing wrong with that but still our goal is to be in a LD as long as possible.

So when you feel calm at peace you can easily continue from that point…


Ive been getting lucid mainly from waking up in SP during naps.

So what happens is I wake up in SP, which normally before I would struggle my way out, “sometimes my eyes open sometimes not” I just go with the flow and purposely sink my head (down and out) and experience seriously strange and really good body sensations, a little freaky at first but actually enjoyable now. Then once I submerge the LD materializes from there. Then I go on with my missions. lol

When I try WILD from straight awakened state I still can’t get past that “bink”. Ive easily been able to slip into the dream state without entering SP, but it seems once the dream materializes it snaps me out. I feel like I am right there to success but every time I just can’t slip through that transition without it snapping me out.
I am now calm and confident in my LDs so its not from over excitement or being freaked out its just this invisible snap. I get the glimpse of being there in the dream but a 1/10th of a second later I snap out. I think SP makes that transition less abrupt and intrusive to the dream, because I can do it very easily when I wake up in SP. Very easily, I mean I can leave the LD at anytime and enter into a new one. Easily.

I now feel very confident that I can eventually master this but I have to figure out the trick to that transition.