[WILD] Itchy

Every time I atempt WILD, I end up with an really bad itch somewhere which I need to scratch. If I scratch the itch then I have to start over, this is very annoying. Can anyone help me?

This might be really hard to do, but just try to imagine that the itch isn’t there. Or, try and visualise yourself scratching it and it might go away. :tongue:

Seriously though, this is quite an annoyance for many people trying WILD. After all, it is one of the hardest techniques to practice. You might want to try the visualisation of scratching the itch though; it just might work. :smile:

I have to disagree with Neko. If you have an itch, scratch it. It’s over. Trying to make the itch “fade” will just distract you from your WILD, it’ll take way more focus away than if you scratch it. What I do is to make the scratching something automatic, if I have an itch, I’ll scratch it without even thinking about it. This way you don’t lose your focus, and go on WILDing.

Maybe Genki is right. It probably is better to just remove a distraction than to just let it annoy you further.

:eek: Do you have had many WILD’s like that, Genki?

I would have said the same than Neko. It’s a common relaxation problem. Perhaps Genki is right too and you can do what you want. Anyhow, it disappears with experience of relaxation.

This is very common with people who practice WILD. I am afraid all you can do is ignore it and let yourself go deeper. Moving will wake you up more than trying to ignore it (in my experience)

With that said, I have had WILD’s where if I started to itch and just could not stand it. I would move very slowly and gently scratch the itch. It did wake me up a little bit but I was still able to quickly bring myself back down and have a successful WILD’s.