WILD/MILD experience
I dont know what to call this, but i was lucid…? i think… I’ll explain and let you guys decide.
Did my the usual drill where i go to bed and just chill, this was around 23:30… Its hard to explain for me, but i dont really ‘try’ to
WILD, i kinda just do it, like going to sleep normal but i just ‘notice’ everything that happens.
Lets begin.
First off i try looking after HI inside my eyes, if i see anything i dont like i just look up in my eyes and try to make story’s. After a little while i can feel the body relaxing, i have found my right position, then it gets really dark, i have some lights on the room, and if you just close your eyes for a short period you can see the lights inside your eyes. Then some white light came over me, floating around… it was beautifully… at this point i can really feel my body relaxing and feeling great, its like your body is sleeping and not using any muscles (at all). Only thing moving was my chest, cause i was breathing This white light came and went, but then i started getting the dream images, suddenly i just noticed that in front of me there was all sorts of stuff, and when i looked at them ‘with my dreameyes’ they kinda faded slowly away, i was shocked that i didnt notice it before, cause when i think over it they’ve been there for a little while. I thought that was kinda cool, so i just relaxed at let everything come to me, then a forest appear… it was beautiful… I’ve been trying to find anything that looks like it but cant find anything, it was dark out side, but the moon made it all shine up… and the colors! I managed to just look at the forest for a while, and then some other things happened… cant remember, and then i woke up