I recently tried WILD! This time I didn’t budge or move atall, and I kept my eyes closed the whole time. To keep my mind awake I counted breaths, and after 200 I finally started to enter SP. Everything slowly went white but then I started to panic.
Heres the problem: My heart rate went extremley fast and I actually thought I was going to have a heart attack or something. I opened my eyes and ruined it all Getting to the point, does anyone here do WILD often and if so does your heart rate go crazy?
Im trying to WILD at the moment, I never got any images but my heart rate went NUTS the first time, also my eye vibrate at an impossible seeming rate.
I really cant tell if these thing are really happening to my body, but the second time I tryed my heart rate did speed up a bit but not as much. I think because you know whats coming, its really intense the first time.
I have around 12 short Lucid dreams with MILD so far, so starting with that is pretty good, but if you can learn how to WILD it will be well worth it I imagine.
ye my heart rate went up a lot when my body started to vibrate i just have to learn to not get overexcited and stay calm because otherwise i cant get to SP
It’s believed to be your heart (Anahata) chakra, not your physical. A LOT of astral projectors experience it. It’s actually very common. And not dangerous