I have sucessfuly entered vibrations when doing a WILD or trying to get a OBE about 2 and a half times (the third was not as “whoah”). But everytime i tried it my throat and lips get dry and i run out of breath. I find myself breathing so lightly that im suffocating. What should i do about this?
Also once the vibrations come should i just wait and relax or what?
I get stuck at the vibrations too, so I can’t help you much there. I know you are pratically there though!
Swallowing and dry mouth can be a big hurdle. Have you tried chapstick? and a large glass of water before you attempt WILD?
you should try to not focus on your mouth or lips, and try your best to direct your attention elsewhere. Once you are so relaxed that the body is asleep you will not even be much aware of them.
Hopefully Jeff and some other good WILD ers can help you out. My advice pretty much ends there
I used chap stick but i cant help but swallow. my throat gets so dry, i do drink some water before bed. when you try wild are you supposed to breath through your mouth or nose?
Yeah I get that sometimes… dry throat. It can be very annoying. My secret to ignore it as much as possible. Focus on something else like breathing. Once you succeed in ingoring it long enough… it will disappear and you might suddenly find yourself in a void with HI’s or without… anyways, the point is to ignore your body’s need because it is just testing to see if your brain is asleep. If you can’t ingore the need (for example: to itch your leg), then you blow the chance of WILD’ing because then your body knows that your brain is still awake so therefore it remains awake.
It might be hard yes, but so worth it!
I hope I helped a bit. also I breath thru my nose because if I breath thru my mouth, it is very unnatural and also my throat can get soooooo dry. Your nose moists the air before it enters your throat. so it might be helpful if you breath thru your nose.
the first time i tried i made it to vibrations. I felt like i was laying on the river getting pushed up and down by the waves, then on my second try, it felt like i was getting violently flung from side to side (fun!, lol). i didnt get anywhere though. I did it with a few lights on in my room.
my question,
should i do this in pitch blackness?
should i do it laying down with my head on a pillow?
Does the hypogognetic (whatever the word is) or the
will it ruin it if i have to take a huge deep breath becuase i all the sudden i was breathing too shallow or should i almost suffocate?
Ignore it! No, don’t swallow or take a deep breath. Despite how you are feeling, you are breathing just fine. Your body is just starting to go on autopilot so, you are not aware that you are breathing. Just ignore it and let go more. I know this is easier said than done. But, you must try, if you do anything to take control of your breathing at this point you will wake your body back up and you will have to start all over again. Don’t worry though. Just keep practicing and you will get over this.
If I get SP in the morning I just try not to move at all and after a while I get visuals and I’m in a dream. But if I get SP when going to sleep it’s much MUCH harder to WILD, atleast for me. A few days ago I got SP and it started getting hard to breathe but I just kept trying to relax and ignore my body. After a short while my entire body felt very distorted and I felt like I was really small But I couldn’t get any further, so I gave up after about 20 minutes of body numbness After that I just fell asleep as usual.
JaRoD- I had the same freakin exact thing happen to me, except my head and chest felt huge and my body tiny, it was a creepy feeling, kinda hard to explain, lol.
I do have one last question (for now, lol). when you are trying to WILD is it ok to move your eyes (eye balls). while i WILD i some times move my eyes or look down or up. should i just keep them stationary and try not too move any part of my body including eye balls?
Last night, i was imagining an apple, and eating it, imagining the input to all my senses, and after about only 30 seconds, the vibrations came. I was so shocked that it happened do fast, that i lost my concentration though…
a couple days ago i woke up in the morning and then decided to sleep a little more so i layed on my side and then i was asleep, a little later i was suddenly aware of my dreaming and woke up to a floaty tingly feeling, i have done this on more then one occasion, i always wake up from dreams and have a floatiness
Josh, I don’t see a problem with moving your eyes because they are the only part of your body that isn’t paralyzed during SP. And moving them might help you stay awake when trying to WILD. But you should try to not move the other parts of your body.
Btw, I love that strange body sort of feeling When I was younger I had it every now and again while sitting completely still and watching some movie. It would feel like I was so tall that my head reached the roof I could keep this feeling as long as I didn’t move, but that wasn’t for too long usually
Yeah, I know the shrinking/growing feeling. I don’t think it has anything to do with WILD though, I’ve always felt it and just felt that it was normal when I tried to go to sleep. My feet would feel like they were very far away and very small, and my hands would do the same thing, or i would feel that I was very, very, short. It’s pretty funny. I’ve tried WILD 3 times and one time, I felt like I was pretty close, I was doing the HI thing, and I started hearing the HS. I was imagining I was climbing an infinite spiral staircase, then my face started to get really hot and felt like it was swelling up, it made my eyes water, but I still ignored it and kept going. Nothing ended up happening, it all went away so I just turned over and went for a MILD. I didn’t have a lucid dream that night, but I did have a dream I was walking up an infinite spiral staircase. My brain has a mean and funny way of playing tricks on me like that.
weird things happen like that, lol. I was wondering if it is better WILD on your back or side. i fall asleep on my side so i think it might be better. when i do the 1 im dreaming 2 im dreaming 3 im dreaming thing i get really close to going to sleep and then realize im not counting anymore, i fall asleep.
I have done WILD in just about every position, except sitting. Doing WILD on your side should be fine. I fund that my back and side are best and stomach is the hardest.