WILD on my back

I’ve tried WILD several times (never successful though), and I noticed that laying on my back gets me further (I know it’s not required).

But recently at a certain point, laying on my back, I get the urge to turn over :eh: But when I do, I’ll lose all concentration and just fall asleep normally. I want to keep laying on my back, but the urge is just too strong and I can’t stop me from turning over.

Does anyone else has this too, or does someone know how I can resist this urge? :help:

I think it has something to do with your level of tiredness.
When im not tired, i usually lay on back, and when im tired i turn the left side.

Try not to lay on your stomach it’s very bad for your back… when you get the urge to turn over why dont you just get up for a few minutes and try again. Your body should still be getting tired even if you get up. This is just a precaution so you don’t fall asleep, right?

Laying on my stomach… bad? :eek: Thanks for the advise, I’ll try to change my regular sleeping position then.
And about the getting up thing, you’re right back to where you began with the WILD process if you do that, and I think I’ll get that urge to turn over again after some while. But I’ll give it a try to see what happens.

Well the whole point is so you don’t fall asleep, which is worse than being awake and needing to start all over again because at least you will have another chance to try again, right? These are just my thoughts, however… i’m not necessarily correct in this, just trying to give some options for you.

Is laying on your side bad for your back?

hmm well i usually get the urge to move aswell.I think this is just your brain testing to see if your asleep or not.If you are then you wouldnt move and then dreaming would start and if you do move then the brain stops the dreaming process.(not 100% sure this is true…Just read it somewhere)

So, you’re saying (kinda contradicting what NeoMarine says) that I should actually (try to) NOT move at all?

yeah try to keep still

You cannot move of you have to get into SP. About position thingy: Laying on back is most healthful position. Laying on side is less healthy than sleeping on back, but more halthy than lying on stomach. But most healthful does not means most comfortable. :yes: But I have to try WILDing on back, because mostly I’m doing in in position I just waked - so mostly side, or stomach. Most of people using WILD often seems to prefer laying on back.

laying on my stomach is bad? holy keez been doing that for years. i love waking up on my stomach lol …bugger

Here you go:

Sweet drawing, there is no arguing now, pictures dont lie

Oh that’s ok then, I sleep like the top drawing in that picture.