When I try to WILD i seem to not have dreams. I can’t remember much about a dream(and sometimes nothing). I still remember some dreams when doing WILD but a lot less. Could it be the problem?
Do you try WILD the first thing when you go to sleep?
Or do you try WILD after 5 or so hours of sleep?
Or during naps during the day?
It seems naps are the best time to try to WILD.
That is weird. I honestly have never had that experience before so, I am not sure what the problem is here. I honestly doubt that it was the WILD technique that caused this but anything is possible. There are lots of things that could have a negative impact on dream control.
How much sleep did you get on the nights you practiced the WILD technique? Also, how well did you sleep?
Did you consume any alcohol or other drugs?
does that make a difference?
Sometimes when I WILD and wake up and WILD again I seem to almost completely forget what happened during the first WILD very annoying and sometimes I don’t even remember what happened during the other WILD either. I guess it’s most likely because I fall asleep after and I forget to write something down.
It can. Alcohol and some drugs can suppress REM sleep.

Sometimes when I WILD and wake up and WILD again I seem to almost completely forget what happened during the first WILD very annoying and sometimes I don’t even remember what happened during the other WILD either. I guess it’s most likely because I fall asleep after and I forget to write something down.
That should improve in time as your recall improves. Soon you will be bale to go from one dream to the next with no trouble remembering them at all.
I tried WILD after I did MILD for a while. It was at night time.I had a nice sleep the days I tried WILD.(everyday unless I am tired or for another reason like that)I slept for a nice amount of time. Around 8 hours. And no drugs or alcohol.