I looked at the finding your tech topic after but I was so close with WILD i have to post this. Last night I tried the WILD and I felt really close to getting there. But after counting breaths and saying im dreaming you know, i always got to 15-25 and I’d get close and then relaxation would disappear and I’d get too nervous/excited to keep progressing to the LD, I could feel my heart start to beat harder and harder… I kept trying got close never made it. So I tried MILD, but it was too late at night and I never woke up till morning. How do I keep my relaxed state? And stop from getting excited?
I guess it’s just a trial to remember that if you can get an LD, you can have another one easier next time, choosing a very simple plan to do there, not trying to extend your excitements too much may be helpful.
There’s nothing to fear, One first LD doesn’t mean it’s the last one and while LDing is harder to get nightmares because it’s easier to wake up than having a bad dream.
When you are going to sleep, think it like a first lesson:
You are just training, and having a short LD, even if you wake up because you have just discovered you were dreaming, you have passed the first level, next time you’ll be able to do better, day after day (maybe night on this case).
Don’t forget to believe you can do it, since you are almost there, that’s an important point, unfortunately it’s many times forgotten.
I never actually fell asleep though. I just felt it get close to a dream because I had this weird (in a good way) feeling I never felt before. Then the excitement kicks in and it all goes away.
It does sound like you got close. Lots of people count to 100 or 200 and don’t get too close, so WILD may be good for you. If you are trying WILD when you go to bed at night however, it is much harder to go directly into dream sleep then. It works much better with WBTB. You normaly go into a deep sleep phase first when you go to bed at night and most people do not dream then, or have very fuzzy dreams that are hard to remember. After 6 hours of sleep, you can go directly from awake to dream sleep so WILD is easyer then.
As for the excitement, that is normal when you first start. You just need more practice. You can also try meditation. It can help you learn to control the excitement, and get you used to relaxing.