Wild tutorial

Can someone please give me a step by step WILD tutorial?

WILD is not recommended for begginers. You need good dream recall. Plus you might wanna try out starting MILD. Thats what im doing and im doing good :content:

Ive tried mild and it diddnt realy work.And i have a pretty good dream recall.
(can i have a step by step guide to mild then)

Ok how long did you exactly try MILD? I’ve been using it since I started and i have an LD everyother night , I even had an LD the first night but just a black one. Those other nights I dont LD I have an ND. Their is a tutorial on how to do WILD I think somewere on this site

Ive been trying mild for 1 day and mild/wild for 4

I mean mild mixed with wbtb

This is how I do WILD:

  1. Wake up early. I can just tell myself that I want to wake up early and usually succeed. If you aren’t so lucky, you can also use an alarm.

  2. If you need to get up and do something to make you alert mentally, do so. I prefer to stay in bed when I awaken, as I may have difficulty getting back to sleep otherwise.

  3. Find a comfortable position, preferably one that you can normally fall asleep in. Some say that it’s ideal to lay on your back, but I find it easier in other positions. If you want to WILD as soon as you wake up, it might help to stay in the same position you woke up in. Make sure that your position is one where you can stay comfortable for a while and do not put significant pressure on any part of your body (ie. hands under your head; hands on your stomach/chest should be okay if laying on your back).

  4. Now, lay still. Try not to make any movements. Subconcious muscle jerks are okay, and I believe these are part of falling asleep. If you need to swallow, try to do so slowly and gently. Don’t put a lot of muscle into it.

  5. Try to focus on something. If you remembered a dream and didn’t get up to write it in your DJ, you could focus on replaying it in your head. This has the added benefit of making it easier to remember your dream(s) later. You could also try counting, or play some music and focus on that. You can also focus on your breathing, your heartbeat, or the ringing in your ears. You can also visualize something. One idea is to visualize yourself climbing up or down stairs, perhaps counting at the same time. Another is to visualize an open book with blank pages; supposedly your imagination will start filling the pages in as you fall asleep.

After a while, you should see images forming. At first, these may be simple blobs of color. Then, they can start forming more complex objects, and eventually entire scenes. You can focus on these if you like. You may also experience other non-visual hallucinations, especially unusual “vibrations”. Eventually, you’ll enter a dream. I can’t give you a lot of advice on that step as I haven’t made it that far. :sad:

How’s that?

??? you havet had a lucid dream with wild ? and do you keep your eyes open or closed when you focus on the thing.

Sorry asks admin to delete thread I misunderstod what mild was so im trying mild now.

No, I haven’t had an LD with WILD, but I’ve gotten close. WILD requires lots of patience and the right balance of staying alert and falling asleep. It may require some practice to get it right.

When you focus on something, you should have your eyes closed. The idea is to fall asleep but remain concious, and it should be easier to fall asleep if you have your eyes closed. I’ve fallen asleep with my eyes open when I was younger, but I’m sure WILD is easier with your eyes closed. :wink:

It sounds like you’ve given up on WILD for now, so I guess it’s a moot point anyway. :shrug: Good luck with MILD! :content:

I won’t delete this thread because I believe other people might find the posts here useful. What I will give you as advice, however, is that 4/5 days for any technique is definitely not long enough to see if it sticks with you… :wink:

i have MILD really helpful its alot easier for begginers and whenever i try to do wild i end up drifting alseep :sad:

locking it, so the WILD tips aren’t lost, but no use in continuing the discussion in this topic :smile: