[WILD] WILD Experience?

This moring i woke up lightly and turned over. I opened my eyes and looked at the window, after which I curled back up.

I wasn’t really asleep but I was dreaming and it was probably the most horrible dream Evar! I know now that I was dreaming, but didn’t then. I didn’t go through any of the usual WILD symptoms (Such as crazy lights etc.) So, was it really a WILD?

Or just something else?

Well, i dont really get why do you think it had something simmilar to WILD. If i get it right:

  1. You waked up
  2. You turned over
  3. You opened eyes
  4. You looked at window.
  5. You falled asleep again
    5a. With no WILD symptoms, no SP, haluciations.
  6. You had a light dream (that nightmare)
  7. You did not realized that you are dreaming

So, i dont think it was WILD. I could misunderstood you, but, well, it seems that you did not had anything special. Did you meant that nighmare was a halucinations ?

no, i meant that i was thinking, then dreaming, suddenly, while i was still dreaming, and now that i think about it, i might have been a tiny bit lucid, judging by some of the stuff i did…

[*edit] Still thinking![edit]

Well, so i think it was not a WILD. I never had any of WILD symptoms (while using that techniqe), but from beginning of dream i was fully lucid, and i tried use that method.

I think that you just falled fastly asleep, that happens often after waking up at early hours. About nightmare, it’s propably FLD or low lucid LD.

It is not a WILD if you lost consciousness/lucidity before the dream started. If you did realize it was a dream, then it would be some sort of DILD though…