Last night i decided to give WILD another try along with abit of VILD to help me reach the dream state. As i was laying in bed i noticed that my body was starting to relax alot so i didn’t move from the position i was laying in. After about 10-15 minutes of laying in this position i really started to feel my body falling asleep and i was still 100% aware. Then i had this really weird feeling, it felt like this energy was rushing throughout my entire body and it was really hard to keep thinking about VILD and WILD without my mind wandering off. I found that the more i concentrated on that weird feeling, the more intense it became. Sadly all i remember is waking up this morning
Was this the start of a WILD? Also, when i do lucid dream for the first time, will i remember it well the next day? as in remember that i had a lucid dream, not what i actually dreamt about.
What you experienced isnt abnormal. Happened to me a few times before anyway. What you can do is focus your awareness on the energy. WILD is in essence all about focus of awareness (so you dont fall asleep unconsciously), and it doesnt matter what you focus on. If there’s energy rushing around, try focusssing on that. About remembering LD’s, it partly also depends on how well you remember ND’s. I’d say chances are big though that you will remember it.
I agree if you only use your focus to strengthen the vibrations or to deepen the relaxation or SP you’re in. However, to enter the dream properly, I think it’s crucial to shift awareness from these sensations of the physical body to the dream body. When vibrations are getting really strong, you could for instance imagine your dream body (which exists within your paralyzed physical body) is spinning around or sinking through your bed; imagine your body is very movable and as light as a feather… truly feel what you’re visualizing, and when you think you’re ready, jump, float, sink or roll out of your bed. This is only one way to achieve WILD though…