Sorry if im making too many threads already, lol. This site is awesome. This may be long so please bare with me.
So anyways, last night I tried WILD techniques before I went to bed, im almost sure I reached Hypnagogic state, this can be reached consciously correct?
But im having problems, at first I was a little scared to lucid dream, so when I entered this state and starting seeing images and slowly started turning into a dream (I could hear myself talking/rambling away, explain more soon) while keeping conscious thought I panicked and could feel my anxiety going nuts, and my heart pounding really fast, so I lost the dream and came back to flashy colors and weird images, In the back of my mind, I was scared to enter this state and lucid dream. So it would bring me back to the flashy colors and color blobs, I could almost see an outline of walls and the objects in a room, but it was black and the outlines were barely visible, it was the weirdest sight ive seen. This happened about the first 3 times. (The panic then back to colors/blob images)
But after I ‘eased’ into it a couple times I started to lose more of my fear and could keep calm when I started reaching the dream/weird state (I usually panicked when I can hear my mind rambling which turns into me looking at the TV or computer screen), except the problem is, when the images start to turn into words (audio) and a little bit of a dream starts coming - (Description: I can see weird colors, slowly forming and turning into something, they start off as colored blobs, then I can hear myself rambling in my mind about ANYTHING, which slowly becomes real talking/rambling from me, and then I can see myself looking at a screen, it usually becomes call of duty , or a computer screen of me playing poker, which are some habits/things I may do IWL.) Around this time, I can feel my mind wanting to ‘drift off’ my conscious thought, so I bring my conscious thought back by repeating my ‘i know im going to dream, ill know im dreaming’, but as soon as I ‘interrupt’ the dream with my conscious thought I start to lose it and end up back at colors/blobs again. Another problem to, is when im trying to keep the dream coming as its forming, all I can see is ‘the TV playing call of duty’ or ‘the computer playing poker’ and my dream would not form my body, by this time I call in conscious thought and lose the image of the TV or computer.
While im losing it, I try and imagine the dream, and concentrate on the TV of my XBOX or on the computer screen of me playing poker, but it still fades away. I dont let the dream come into play cause I interrupt it with conscious thought? but I feel if I dont interrupt it then I will lose lucidity of the dream.
Anyone whos willing to read all that, any opinions on what I should try thinking or doing next time?