Sorry if im making too many threads already, lol. This site is awesome. This may be long so please bare with me.
So anyways, last night I tried WILD techniques before I went to bed, im almost sure I reached Hypnagogic state, this can be reached consciously correct?
But im having problems, at first I was a little scared to lucid dream, so when I entered this state and starting seeing images and slowly started turning into a dream (I could hear myself talking/rambling away, explain more soon) while keeping conscious thought I panicked and could feel my anxiety going nuts, and my heart pounding really fast, so I lost the dream and came back to flashy colors and weird images, In the back of my mind, I was scared to enter this state and lucid dream. So it would bring me back to the flashy colors and color blobs, I could almost see an outline of walls and the objects in a room, but it was black and the outlines were barely visible, it was the weirdest sight ive seen. This happened about the first 3 times. (The panic then back to colors/blob images)

But after I ‘eased’ into it a couple times I started to lose more of my fear and could keep calm when I started reaching the dream/weird state (I usually panicked when I can hear my mind rambling which turns into me looking at the TV or computer screen), except the problem is, when the images start to turn into words (audio) and a little bit of a dream starts coming - (Description: I can see weird colors, slowly forming and turning into something, they start off as colored blobs, then I can hear myself rambling in my mind about ANYTHING, which slowly becomes real talking/rambling from me, and then I can see myself looking at a screen, it usually becomes call of duty :razz:, or a computer screen of me playing poker, which are some habits/things I may do IWL.) Around this time, I can feel my mind wanting to ‘drift off’ my conscious thought, so I bring my conscious thought back by repeating my ‘i know im going to dream, ill know im dreaming’, but as soon as I ‘interrupt’ the dream with my conscious thought I start to lose it and end up back at colors/blobs again. Another problem to, is when im trying to keep the dream coming as its forming, all I can see is ‘the TV playing call of duty’ or ‘the computer playing poker’ and my dream would not form my body, by this time I call in conscious thought and lose the image of the TV or computer.

While im losing it, I try and imagine the dream, and concentrate on the TV of my XBOX or on the computer screen of me playing poker, but it still fades away. I dont let the dream come into play cause I interrupt it with conscious thought? but I feel if I dont interrupt it then I will lose lucidity of the dream.

Anyone whos willing to read all that, any opinions on what I should try thinking or doing next time?

Welcome :wave: and don’t worry, the forum is here for posting! :wink: The more you post the more you’ll learn.

First of all, you’re doing GREAT :lol: WILD right when you go to bed is pretty hard for most people, but you got pretty far! If you try it early in the morning after waking up naturally your chances are much higher, your body will fall asleep way faster.

The fear thing. Remember you are in control. Things will only scare you if you let them scare you. I usually look at LD’s and SP in a very “brave” way. If you challenge yourself to face any scary thing you see or hear and laugh in it’s face it’s almost 100% sure you won’t get any scary things! Fear itself creates scary things :wink:

But even without seeing monsters and such, the experience can feel really weird and alien, like nothing we’ve ever experienced! So you can take it easy. As you did. Only go as far as you wish and you’ll soon be comfortable to go a little more. Baby steps! :grin:

The last part is tricky and many people have that problem, including myself… As soon as you focus even a tiny bit of your attention on it it fades away :sad: The only thing I can suggest is practice! :tongue: With time you’ll get more used to it all and you’ll be able to focus more gently without making it all fall apart. Meditation is also a great way to calm the mind and keep it clearer and focused.

Good luck and feel free to post any more questions!

I think the problem is that you keep trying to bring your conscious thought back. The trick is to simply remain completely passive and wait patiently for the dream to fully form. Hope that helps. :grin: